неділя, 22 травня 2011 р.

oscar de la hoya boxing

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  • witness
    Nov 3, 01:41 PM
    too bad not everyone can get the beta
    I signed up for this the day that it was announced (quite a while back now), but no invite :( Perhaps I selected the wrong option (Developer) from the dropdown on the signup form.

    Well I guess that it will come soon enough. Though from what I've seen it seems to be closer to VMWare Player than VMWare Workstation, which would be a little disappointing. It's the workstation features that are missing from Parallels, and why I've been so eagerly awaiting the arrival of VMWare's product.

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 18, 12:47 AM
    I love the Macbook Air but I would hate it if they released a new one. Especially since this was only out in 10/2010.

    it's going to be a spec upgrade. this happens every year with hardware

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  • Orme
    May 2, 10:10 AM
    Will an apple store employee tell me if I harass them all day or bribe them with monies? Or don't they know either? :confused:

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  • super-cool
    Aug 19, 03:44 AM
    What is with all the pop up warning on safari. Warning you have tabs open do you want to quit? Warning, you have text if field do you want to quit? You know what? I don't press apple-q on accident, in fact I'd say you'd have to do that on purpose. All these pop-up and confirms, well I fear it's become more windows like if you will. Pretty soon no one will read the things. I sure hope you can turn the things off, or hope they change it.

    For those who remember, when apple had an early release or beta of OS X, they put the apple logo right in the middle of the top bar, not to mention it did nothing and was completely non functional. Glad they didn't go with that. I'm hoping they do away with these confirm buttons

    Can't an OS be simple to use anymore?


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  • yac_moda
    Jul 21, 05:41 PM
    Watch the BUNNY :confused:

    What a PERFECT name for MS ...

    ... ZUNE ...

    ... much later then SUNE !!!

    ��� WoW !!!

    Nothing looks more similar to a TOILET :eek: I think I will FLUSH ...


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  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 22, 04:27 AM
    This settles it:



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  • gaswerks
    Apr 4, 10:32 PM
    beer sausage ...

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  • rdlink
    Apr 22, 05:17 AM
    1) I own both.

    They are rectangular and have icons on home screens.

    There's only so much one can do with smart phone styling.

    It's not like Apples on the verge of going out of business.

    Much ado over nothing.

    Like a teenage bully, Apples beyond stupid.

    2) You actually believe clueless sales people?

    The fact that "there's only so much you can do with smart phone styling" does not give one company the inalienable right to copy another's patents, or blur the line between their product and the one which they're trying to copy.

    The size of Apple's bank account has nothing to do with this. Disney has sued much smaller companies in the past, and won. Because the courts recognize the need to protect valuable intellectual property, even when sofa lawyers don't.

    Whether I believe clueless sales people or not is irrelevant. Clueless consumers often do. How else can you explain Android's rise? (zing! :o).


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  • ucfgrad93
    Feb 28, 04:37 PM
    I feel bad for the rest of the cast and crew that are now not receiving a paycheck because of Sheen's idiocy. :mad:

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  • Maccin475
    Oct 1, 01:49 PM

    With AT&T being the cell phone carrier that charges the most, they should be EXPECTED to provide the best quality service in the industry. If AT&T thinks 30% of all calls being dropped is "normal," this is absolutely unacceptable! So this means that of every ten phone calls to 911, 3 being dropped is "normal" and acceptable????? And major corporations with thousands of employees are supposed to sign up for cell service with AT&T, knowing that 30% of all calls (with customers) being dropped is, in AT&T's eyes, acceptable???????? :eek: :eek: :eek:

    All emergency calls are placed on a separate priority line/ or are given preference over all other calls at any point in time.


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  • littleman23408
    Sep 16, 05:41 PM
    Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo's Factory

    The Beatles - Abbey Road

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  • acidfast7
    May 3, 07:42 AM
    Excellent news!

    I'm looking to spend some grant money and 4 x 27" iMacs and a couple 2 TB Time Capsules sounds like a great idea!


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  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 14, 10:24 AM
    Besides the arguments about this not really making sense from a business perspective, I'm not sure how it would work from a set-up perspective.

    So you have the Apple TV built-in. Great. So you get your programs direct to your TV. Great. Except that you don't want the audio there. You want the audio in your receiver, so you can power your surround system. So now you're running a wire out of the TV and into your receiver. God, how clunky.

    This is why a set-top box makes MUCH more sense. One wire out of the box goes into either your TV directly (if it's a small system, bedroom set, etc.), or direct into your receiver, where the audio and video can be handled correctly.

    Content in a "living room" TV just doesn't make sense to me. It's one of the reasons (IMO) why you don't see integrated DVD players on big tvs (where they'll be used with a full surround system), but you do see them on small "bedroom" TVs.

    Dunno... am I the only one thinking this?

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  • Shockre
    Sep 16, 09:17 PM
    congrats! i'm thinking of buying a incase neoprerene plus for same macbook pro as yours. thoughts on it?

    i went to target and bought some household goods. no pictures at the moment, no more iphone :o

    its great, light, not bulky, fits perfect, doesnt let light rain trough, really soft inside. got it off ebay for $27.99.


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  • macFanDave
    Jul 21, 02:44 PM
    They're behind Gateway in number of units shipped. Gateway produces and ships more units than Apple.

    Michael, read shawnce's message #61. It's exactly how I wanted to reply to your statement, only better.

    About market share, there is an optimal level, I believe. Too low and the issue of third-party applications and peripherals becomes a problem. However, if Apple's marketshare gets too high, there could be some anti-trust problems.

    Let's face it: Apple is a monopoly, but with such a small market share, it is a monopoly that we have freely chosen to deal with. We Mac consumers cannot go to the DOJ and claim we have no alternatives (just because your alternatives suck doesn't mean you don't have them.) If Apple were wildly successful and exceeded this threshold market share, their business model may be interfered with by the government.

    10% should be far below that threshold.

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  • lgutie20
    May 4, 09:57 AM
    because if apple is going to say a new iphone is coming, only a fool will buy the old one at full price

    i bet a new is coming in June but apple doesn't want to see a sales drop off. anyone that asks me i tell them that expect a new one in June and don't buy the 4 since it's stone age tech by now

    Point proven by Nintendo's silly move to tell everyone about Project Cafe. Wiis weren't selling before and now they'll sell even less.


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  • colonels1020
    Apr 23, 09:22 PM
    oh god please i hope so

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  • patrickvanzandt
    Sep 30, 09:51 AM
    The headline for this story is misleading based on the data provided.

    All we have is ONE Apple engineer's case notes mentioning
    Proposed Resolution: this is a basic trouble shooting case so that the customer may report back to ATT to show that the phone is fully functional and the problem is consistent with the service provided by ATT

    All the tech is saying is "the iPhone is fully functional", or in other words: there is no evidence of a hardware issue on this customer's iPhone.

    Nowhere does it say anything about what AT&T considers "normal". This engineer does not even work for AT&T. She's simply saying that she confirmed that this particular unit seems to be OK on a hardware level and referred the customer to AT&T for resolution.

    Move along...

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  • Bo98
    Mar 29, 07:59 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Does anybody else see the 9.6 inside the apple?
    Sept. 6th?

    Whatever it means, it's interesting.

    After you point it out, yes, I do, but I can't imagine that Apple would give ANY clues to future release dates/announcements.

    They did with the iPad 2.

    Apr 22, 06:51 PM
    That whopping 3.7" screen would add too much weight and bulk. The maximum should not exceed 3.55".

    Oct 18, 04:40 PM
    so what will we see in 2007?

    Sep 15, 11:00 PM
    How you gunna play the iPad like that? :p

    No desire whatsoever for an iPad, actually, I'd never use it :p (Plus it's expensive, my Kindle was only $139; $39 after I sold my original Kindle!)

    May 3, 11:37 PM
    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    Apr 29, 02:54 PM
    I don't even think .99 for a song is that bad. But .69 is even better!

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