вівторок, 31 травня 2011 р.

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poemas cortos de amor. poemas cortos de amor. de amor. poemas cortos a; de amor. poemas cortos a. appleguy123. Apr 22, 09:11 PM. someone hasn#39;t posted in that thread for 5 months
  • poemas cortos de amor. de amor. poemas cortos a; de amor. poemas cortos a. appleguy123. Apr 22, 09:11 PM. someone hasn#39;t posted in that thread for 5 months

  • G4DP
    May 2, 05:12 PM
    V-Tech OS anyone?

    Shake it till it wobbles children.

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  • macidiot
    Jul 20, 04:36 PM
    You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day. It is not coming anytime soon sorry to say. Buying is about momentum. Apple has it and MS does not. Vista already has a great deal of bad press and it has not even hit the street. eWeek and other journals are already writing about Vista security vulnerabilities. That is not a good sign. Vista features and functionality has been scaled back numerous times. That too is not a good sign.

    Somewhat true. Momentum buying is generally for fools. Unless your a money manager with dedicated stock research, your always going to be late to the party. While you can still make money doing it, you can just as easily be the one without the chair in musical chairs.

    Who would have imagined that the common view. amongst the informed computer community, was MS was trying desperately to draw close to even-up with Apple? About the time MS established Windows 2000, they were at the top of the computer world in just about every SW market there was.

    Microsoft has never been technologically superior to Apple. At best, they were kind of close, with Win2k. At worst, they were about 7-10 years behind with DOS. They have always been catching up technologically. Microsoft dominance is due to a host of factors. Superior technology isn't one of them.

    The second thing that happened at MS is best described in a quote "When Alexander looked at his empire, he wept for there was nothing more to conquer." Instead of continuing on the path of R&D, they tried to find "new worlds to conquer", secure in the knowledge they had indeed subdued all competitors who could challenge them. Sun had tried to mount a charge in the early-mid 90's. Fortunately for MS, Sun's CEO lacked the wherewithal to do more than file lawsuits. Linux suffers from the exact problems that have plagued the Unix community; they cannot unify because they have no leadership.

    Apple has been the sleeping giant. They have made their mistakes, taken their lumps and paid their dues. After 20 years, I finally bought a Mac. That was mainly because my boss gave me ~ $15K to buy any personal technology I wanted (bonus type of deal). I was learning video production/editing and using the cheap PC stuff. To make a long story short, I can now boast the purchase of:

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  • OdduWon
    Jan 1, 06:14 PM
    with iTv,the new features in iChat (background images), and the rumors of new iSight and apple game console, perhaps we will se see some type of iToy like device.:p

    Also, with updates to iChat, perhaps we will see some smaller form of iSight for use with iTv and iPod/TelePod. This would also allow people to watch movies with friends around the world with a core animation powered keynote like Pic in Pic format.

    Or perhaps ^QT8^ will provide this function. ;)

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  • freebooter
    Sep 1, 12:17 PM
    Getting rid of the chin would require an external power supply like the ACDs unless you want a power supply sized blank space on the screen :pI don't have any problem with a power supply lurking out of sight on the floor. Why have one heating up the inside of the computer?

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 05:11 PM
    That could be true, but I can't verify it - simply because I don't really see any of those around here....

    A friend of mine owns a 2009 Jetta TDI, and another friend owns a 2003(ish) Golf TDI. The new Jetta is significantly better than the Golf with the older generation diesel, but even the Golf's engine is much more refined than a diesel truck engine.

    I live out in the country (horse and cattle farms), and about half the pickups out here are 3/4 ton and 1 ton diesels, mostly Chevys and Fords. Following one down the highway it's hard to hear them, but if you're behind one you can damn sure smell it - and yes, I'm talking about the new ones, too.

    I live in Alaska, and they love their big diesel trucks here. I can agree that pretty much all of them stink awfully when you drive behind them. Also, performance modifications are pretty popular, so that with re-tuned ECUs and free-flowing exhausts, the damned things are positively deafening and noxious. The older trucks are definitely much worse than the newest models though.

    Can't speak to the new DPF-equipped trucks, I haven't had enough experience with them. Hopefully, the increasingly stringent economy and pollution regulations will continue to make pickup diesels less and less similar to the dumptruck, semi and bulldozer engines we currently associate them with.

    Still, the bottom line is, passenger car diesel engines from Germany and Italy in particular are excellent and nothing like the big clunkers in American trucks. If a diesel Cruze makes it here, it will be very smooth and quiet by comparison.

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  • JGowan
    May 3, 01:08 AM
    First of all, this looks like this only works when you are in LaunchPad mode so there, it makes perfect sense. I truly doubt the press/hold/jiggle works in the Applications folder, where it would be very out-of-place.

    Imagine that Apple did not put in the feature there in LaunchPad which is suppose to be iPad-like... people would come out of the woodwork to piss/moan about how Apple was lame to not unify the process with the press/hold/jiggle.

    Secondly, this only works for Apps that have been downloaded from the App store,... this is probably implemented so that when you say YES, delete this, it will then give you an option to rate the App while simply deleting the App with a Command-Delete or a drag to the Trash would not invoke such a Rating option.

    Thirdly, it's not like Apple is taking away the other options of trashing an App. Use the method that you're like and MYOB and STHU. Honestly.

    50% of Mac buyers are new users so they're use to this from iPhones/iPads/iPods. Let them be comfortable. I've been on a Mac since 1995 but I realize that Apple needs to help switchers be comfortable. All the changes to Mac OS X that I've seen so far, I'm really looking forward. If you don't want 'em. Don't upgrade. Oh... and STHU.

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  • Millah
    Apr 27, 01:03 AM
    Here's a brilliant idea... only people who have actually gone through the trademark process should continue to comment.
    Having been through it twice, I can tell you that it's not a walk in the park.
    There is nothing cut and dry about any of it.
    Your success depends just as much on your prep work as it does on the examining lawyer from the USPTO side.
    Fortunately we had a great lawyer working with us from the USPTO.

    I got one approved for my wife's company name, and lost the other trademark application for of all things, being descriptive.
    We knew the second was a long shot, but had to try.

    Yep. Its incredibly annoying hearing all the "experts" on the internet try to grossly oversimplify the matter. Oh well.

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 7, 07:07 AM
    -Soltaire game as a dashboard widget

    Yes! Take Solitare, the number 1 Windows game, and make it even easier to keep hidden when your boss walks by!:D

    poemas cortos de amor. poemas cortos de amor. Enamorar, poemas y chat amor; Enamorar, poemas y chat amor. daneoni. May 2, 11:06 AM. I turned off automatically open safe files
  • poemas cortos de amor. Enamorar, poemas y chat amor; Enamorar, poemas y chat amor. daneoni. May 2, 11:06 AM. I turned off automatically open safe files

  • Schizoid
    Apr 3, 04:38 AM
    This ad will never work. People want ads that make them feel like teenage boys. I know this from Android ads. Steel and lasers, Apple. Steel and lasers!

    Yeah, I agree... more lasers!
    How about a dinosaur with lasers for eyes mounted on a rocket-shark shouting, "queue for the iPad 2" in a metallic, robotic accent... that would be great

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  • Daveoc64
    Apr 10, 09:59 AM
    I've only ever driven a "stick shift".

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  • MarcelV
    Sep 7, 02:19 AM
    Apple was offering 14.50 wholesale for the 14.99 movies and the studio's don't agree. That's more than they receive wholesale from Wal-Mart and Best Buy. Also, collectively it looks like they are not agreeing with those prices. Looks to me as price fixing. The studio's want to set the individual prices for movies to consumers, and to me it looks like they are forcing same prices on Amazon, MovieLink, CinemaNow and iTunes. That's dangerous waters for them......

    As for picture quality and HD, the market doesn't seem to be there at all. VOD on cable and satellite has become a huge market, and those aren't HD either. In addition DirecTV and DishNetwork use 'HD-Lite' (1080x1280 in stead of 1080x1920) on most if not all of their HD channels. And SD channels are heavily compressed in the digital line-up on both cable and satellite. Most consumers just don't care....

    And every single person asking for 1080p, you maybe out of touch with reality. Official HD standard does not even include 1080p. 720p and 1080i are the only official HD recognized resolutions within the broadcast standards. Broadcasters don't even distribute their signal that high!

    Would I love it in HD, of course :D Do I see it happen, nope.

    And an additional thought just occured. Currently FrontRow already allows you to watch trailers. What if you have the same interface but you can purchase the movies that way and it will add the purchased movie into Itunes for iPod sync. (Of course, you will be able to buy it dircetly thru iTunes if you like). It would be a very nice integration, with a high degree of simplicity.... Just a thought.

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  • amor poemas. cortos jr amor

  • topgunn
    Nov 27, 01:34 PM
    Built-in iSights, now there's an idea! :D
    Asus has this (http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=10&l2=88&l3=367&model=1136&modelmenu=1) display which includes speakers and a webcam. It would be nice if Apple introduced a similar concept with a display only. It would be prefect for the Mac mini.

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  • bushido
    Apr 26, 02:21 PM
    well we all know who really controls the goverment and everyone involved ... companies. so whoever throws more money at them is obvs gonna win

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  • POEMAS TRISTES - Poemas Cortos

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 18, 09:10 AM
    In Libya, there's a massive peace movement against Gaddafi. You don't have that in country "X".

    I think that really depends on what country "X" is, and on your perspective.

    Is this the peace movement you mean?


    this isn't forcefully spreading democracy like Bush did...


    Plus we aren't sending in a ground force to occupy the country if we did that I would have a problem with it.

    Are missiles okay? How about bombs?

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  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 24, 07:09 PM
    Maybe Apple is planning to take the world by storm and make a TV top Mac Mini loss leader with Blue Ray ( a la PS3!) :)

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  • moondog190
    Feb 25, 07:52 AM
    left to right:
    20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen. 16gb iPod Touch, Late 2008 MacBook Pro on top of Griffin iStand controlled by an Apple wireless keyboard and Magic mouse, 1TB Seagate external HDD, 32gb Ipad wifi only, 21" Samsung display, 2cd Gen. TV, Razer Lycosa keyboard and Razer Death Adder mouse which controls a Windows XP box i built for my job(under the desk). You can barly see it but there is also a Power PC Mac Mini on top of the Windows machince which acts as a FTP server.

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  • AidenShaw
    Aug 31, 09:55 AM
    What makes you think that it "can't run software"? Current 32bit CPU's will be usable for years to come.
    The worry is that in a few years interesting software applications will only come in x64 - companies will drop the fat binaries due to the expenses associated with multiple versions of the software.

    This is already happening on the Windows side - several major apps will only be x64 in their next versions.

    So, not only can the 64-bit chip be significantly faster when in 64-bit mode - it is more future-proof.

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  • poemas cortos de amor.

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 2, 04:57 PM
    the fact that after the second generation Jetta, VW had to rename the car in germany/europe (Bora, Vento) and still had lousy sales there, should have been a warning sign

    the last few generations of the jetta have been absolute rubbish ... i hoping this new generation is actually better

    Mexico may come around, in time.

    Japan sure did, Korea has, and China is well on it's way.

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  • Clive At Five
    Nov 28, 10:15 AM
    He has a point about the XBox... It did start out slower but now is surely considered a predominant player in the market (no pun intended;) ).

    The only difference is that the XBox actually works...

    ...and Zune...


    So, yeah. I mean, I'd never buy an XBox, but it's still a viable option, nonetheless.


    Feb 20, 02:52 PM

    Sep 6, 07:51 PM
    Does anyone else think that Apple really really needs a rental model for the movie store? I'm against it with music but it's not the same a movies. I don't want my harddrive full of these things. I would be nice to rent one for much less, watch it and delete it. I don't see it being very successful if it is for purchase only.

    This always seemed like a no-brainer to me. I have been BEGGING for a subscription model.

    How many times do you listen to a CD again? A million
    How many times do you watch a movie again? Maybe 10 times at most (for most customers) Maybe less

    If you have high speed internet (which is getting faster and faster everyday) then you can afford to just setup a queue like Netflix and you'll get to see probably 100 movies a month if you feel like downloading that often.

    Look at the success of Netflix, the company has practically exploded! People stopped going to traditional rental houses so they had to adopt a Netflix type of service. It really couldn't be more obvious.

    Besides, no matter how good the quality gets, do you really have the storage space for your ENTIRE MOVIE COLLECTION? Even if I filled my new Mac Pro with 3TB of storage, there is NO WAY I COULD EVER FIT MY MOVIE COLLECTION AT DVD QUALITY!

    Sep 1, 03:30 PM
    You know.... If you wanted to have a beautiful ACD 23" or 30" and hide the computer, there is a bracket that allows a Mac Mini to sit behind the display. I personally don't mind the all-in-one. I was against it, until I got an iMac 2 months ago and love it. So, wouldn't bother me to have the 23" imac... I would get AppleCare and be happy for 3 years.

    Feb 8, 11:08 AM

    Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 11:23 AM
    If we are gonna base the present of potential then logically you should be going for Holographic disc since they have potential to bring out a single layer 300 gb disc at the end of 2006...

    Or is that what you meant by HVD?
    UMM... of course you should base desicions on the potential of a system, of course within a timeframe. I mean the potential of my Powerbook isn't nearly as great as a MacBook Pro, so that why I wouldn't buy a Powerbook right now ;) . Its not based on cost, cause I can get a powerbook at much less, but just the fact that while the MacBook is only faster for universal apps, so really its mostly slower due to rosetta, and it has no other upgrades..... well there seems to be little advantage to pick it .... OHH WAIT it has the potential to be much faster in the future.... I forgot about that...

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