понеділок, 30 травня 2011 р.

red star tattoo

red star tattoo. Star Tattoo idea 02
  • Star Tattoo idea 02

  • miloblithe
    Aug 31, 12:20 PM

    What about this ? :)

    Makes me hope that they bring back three levels:

    $499 Core Duo 1.66, 60/80GB HD, Combo drive
    $599 1.66, 100GB HD, Super Drive
    $699 1.83, 100GB/120GB, Super Drive

    red star tattoo. smart guy tattoos with sleeve
  • smart guy tattoos with sleeve

  • Surely
    Nov 25, 12:33 AM
    No clue but could you please tell me where to purchase it? Its exactly what Im looking for!

    Check the image URL..........

    red star tattoo. a tattoo which reads #39;be
  • a tattoo which reads #39;be

  • Veinticinco
    Mar 23, 04:24 AM
    they won't ! iPod classic is the best selling for 
    I very much doubt that.

    Unless of course you're actually a SVP in Apple Sales and are speaking from a position of authority :rolleyes:

    red star tattoo. simple double star tattoo
  • simple double star tattoo

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 26, 01:58 PM
    apple created a storefront they called "app store"

    amazon creates a store front that does the same t hing called the "appstore"

    apple wins in this situation.

    red star tattoo. A large orange and red star.
  • A large orange and red star.

  • starflyer
    Apr 12, 08:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I used to think just like you until I sat down and used it. You should give it a try. It is a very powerful editor.

    red star tattoo. nautical star tattoos hips
  • nautical star tattoos hips

  • kjjnk
    Apr 12, 09:17 PM
    Wow, it looks absolutely stunning.

    red star tattoo. Red tattoo rose cross and
  • Red tattoo rose cross and

  • cleanup
    Nov 26, 12:47 AM
    Doesn't look very safe to me.. First time you go under a bridge will probably be your last.

    If it's good enough for the Pope, it's good enough for me. :)

    red star tattoo. black and red star tattoo
  • black and red star tattoo

  • ZebraineZ
    Jun 22, 03:37 PM
    I wouldn't mind an iOS-type OS on an iMac as long as it had some more features of a full-fledged desktop OS. As in:

    -Multiple Users
    -Some kind of file system
    -More apps of a creative side (ie movie editing, word processing, programming, etc.) instead of just media consuming apps

    Note: this list is not exhaustive; there are many more features I'd like that I just can't think of at the moment.

    Plus, some games/apps will need to be done, specifically those that need the accelerometers. I don't think people would want to swing around a 20/30 pound computer. But that would be a good way to make more money; people keep breaking them so they'll have to pay for repairs/new ones.

    I doubt 10.7 will be such an overhaul. Probably more like Mac OS X 11.0 or a totally new naming scheme.

    You just described a touchless OS X. It does exactly that...

    red star tattoo. small star-blue star-red
  • small star-blue star-red

  • motulist
    Aug 6, 10:44 PM
    "You've come to the right platform."

    - from WWDC Apple banner http://guides.macrumors.com/Image:Coveredbanners.jpg. Apple is really doing a full court press against Windows!

    This era is either the beginning of the Mac gaining serious market share, or the moment history will view as proof that Apple cannot make major market gains no matter how hard they try. My bet is on the former.

    red star tattoo. Red star background added last
  • Red star background added last

  • ascendent
    Mar 23, 04:35 PM
    Sure some people see 220 GB as �too much� space but � it�s not all about songs only -- a high capacity iPod is ideal for taking movies on the road. I travel with my Classic and an Apple cable. Plug it into the TV and *bingo* I have the movies or TV programs I want to watch on the big screen. You can use it for displaying photos as well. This is an often overlooked benefit of the Classic�s capacity.

    I would buy a 220 in a heartbeat and just upgrade more of my music collection to Lossless resolution. Having empty space also removes a major psychological barrier for me in purchasing more liberally from ITunes (even with their less-than-ideal 256 resolution) because I want to NOT have to manage what is on my iPod. Just put it all there and always have what I want. More space is a plus for keeping folks purchasing new stuff.

    -- and I think a lot more people will soon see the value of converting their CDs to digital for use with their home audio system -- but only if they have the memory available for high enough resolution for it to sound good.

    red star tattoo. a small star tattoo on her
  • a small star tattoo on her

  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 12, 09:56 PM
    I wonder if they'll update the whole studio suite
    (yes, including DVD Studio Pro I hope. Maybe they'll rename it Media studio and make it output DVD's, Blu Ray, maybe even interactive Quicktime files )

    My thoughts exactly!. As a owner of FCP 7 (and the rumord price drop for FCP X) How much will the upgrade cost? Price speculation time!

    red star tattoo. Red Star Koi Belt Buckle –
  • Red Star Koi Belt Buckle –

  • PBF
    Apr 3, 06:52 PM
    Not that I'm aware of currently, but you know that will be an extension as soon as it is released.
    But why would Apple not do it my way by default??? Google did. Smart and logical of them.

    red star tattoo. These star tattoos are exactly
  • These star tattoos are exactly

  • catracho
    Apr 19, 05:33 PM
    Next tuesday pleaseee!

    Im leaving the states on wednesday...

    red star tattoo. small nautical star tattoo
  • small nautical star tattoo

  • Edge100
    Jan 2, 09:42 AM
    Sorry if someone else has mentioned this already, but I also expect Apple to announce (if not release) a new version of Logic, either at MWSF or at NAMM, which starts about a week later.

    The latter is more likely, since its a music industry event, but one way or another, Logic is due for an upgrade. Seriously!

    Perhaps not of interest to everyone, but important for the musicians here...

    red star tattoo. Shuriken Style Star Tattoo
  • Shuriken Style Star Tattoo

  • Kranchammer
    Mar 24, 01:20 PM
    Even then though...I dont think this means anything special for non-MacPro owners. Everything else gets the mGPU treatment:(

    Well, that's because all of Apple's other products are constrained by power and/or space requirements.

    red star tattoo. red and black star tattoo
  • red and black star tattoo

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 02:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    That is exactly what I'm thinking! Seriously there is no need for that many GPUs in the Pro and IMac requires a custom card. So where would all of these cards go - XMac is my guess.

    Or it could simply be a sign of a unified driver from AMD. That would make sense as it is a smarter approach than the highly targeted drivers of the past.I don't see why Apple would want to start supporting older 5000 cards for said machine? *shrug*

    How is it silly ? We're talking about a GPU. Even at 1280x800, the Intel GPU sucks, why would it be silly to want to run games on high settings

    It outperforms the 320M under OS X. It certainly doesn't "suck" as much as you make it out to be.

    red star tattoo. shooting star tattoo designs
  • shooting star tattoo designs

  • MacinDoc
    Sep 6, 11:14 AM
    What? No Core2 Duo? Why? The Core2 Duo costs the same as the Core Duo, according to Intel's price list. Is there a shortage of the Core2 chips, was Apple committed to purchasing a certain number of Core Duos, or was whoever decided to go with this configuration just temporarily insane?

    red star tattoo. Crescent/Moon and Star tattoos
  • Crescent/Moon and Star tattoos

  • Willis
    Aug 6, 09:00 PM
    Hasta la Vista, Vista

    classic!! I want to see a pic!

    red star tattoo. Tribal Tattoos star-tattoo-
  • Tribal Tattoos star-tattoo-

  • Earendil
    Nov 27, 02:50 PM
    Maybe Apple just needs to lower its monitor prices to sane levels as opposed to the ridiculous prices that they currently stand at. Justify them all you want, if Apple really wants to push its monitors, those prices need to come down. They might have flew 3 years ago, but enough is enough.

    I just got a 22-inch LCD for $370 (US), and it's not a piece. Quite frankly, I can't really tell the difference. Plus it has better adjustments and I/O. It doesn't have the Apple look, and it only has 1050 horizontal lines of res but, that's not worth the extra dollars for me.

    "but, that's not worth the extra dollars for me"

    Ding-Ding-Ding! You answered all of your above complaints and whining about Apple's prices. You aren't the target audience for their displays.

    (note: I would suggest you see my comp specs and gear below before reading my post further)

    Perhaps it is an oversight of Apples that they sell both consumer and pro-sumer computers, and yet only offer a pro-sumer monitor. However considering that 2 of the 3 consumer computers by Apple have built in monitors, and the 3rd is meant to be used with exisiting mouse, keyboard and monitor, it may not be such a big deal.

    Also, if you want cheaper, there exists cheaper. It's not as if Apple is robbing you of much needed options in montior selection by not offering a cheap monitor. Any monitor made today will work with your Mac. The only thing they are robbing you of is their design.

    Now don't anyone bring up the "Apple is bad because of what I can get from Dell" topic again until you read this very carefully (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=252327)
    In summery though, Apple uses a different, far more advanced color accurate panel for their monitors. This allows them certification that they pay for. They also pay someone with a design background to make the casing, and don't have the EE's do it like at some companies :rolleyes:

    Now, back on topic :)

    I was in the "Apple needs to make a 17" monitor" crowd for a long time. Than I bought a cheap 20" wide display, and I love it. I suppose with Photography and a few games here and there, there is a reason I'm inclined to now say I wouldn't use a smaller screen. But unless Apple wants to sell a consumer display (which they don't currently do), to be used with the Mac Mini, I really don't see much of a reason for Apple to do it. A pro-sumer 17" display is useless and pointless IMHO. If you have a 3 grand G5 doing professional graphics/video work, you aren't going to buy a pro-sumer 17" monitor for $400 :rolleyes:

    That said, if Apple had offered a consumer level 20" wide monitor at a similar price point to Dells, I'd have bought it hands down.

    Apr 12, 10:05 PM
    $299... but this isn't studio

    Mar 22, 10:49 PM
    The chance that the iPod Classic is updated to 220GB is zero. Apple has no plans to ever update a hard drive based non-touch portable device (they would not waste their time), and they've shown even less interest in increasing the capacity of any device beyond even 64GB flash.

    You mean like the MacBook Air?:D

    Apr 26, 12:47 PM
    "Amazon" is a generic term and should not be used for a store name.

    Nov 27, 02:35 PM
    I strongly agree with scottlinux (and almost no one else). I am a graphics professional, and use a 17" Apple LCD with a 17" mitsu CRT to the right as my version of a widescreen. Had it well before there were widescreens, and regardless none of the current crop are wide enough; they all take up too much vertical room. Not just too much to fit my workspace conveniently, but enough my neck gets tired tilting up and down.

    I put all my palettes (and sometimes a referring Word doc or something) to the right. The left monitor is for the work. I have used three monitor systems, where the lefthand one is for source material (like on video work).

    I do something similar at work, with a 1st gen Cinema Display as the main display, and when docked, the powerbook to the right. But I like all the monitors being the same -- fairly small -- height.

    Apple would do great selling a more affordable panel. Aside from space (it would pair well with a thing called a "mini") lots of people will go for the one-stop-shopping experience, as well as the Apple cool and beautiful. Also, they make hella-good displays. I am personally never gonna buy some $129 sale LCD, cause they are crap.

    Jan 12, 07:45 AM

    As much as I want to see a Apple home server coupled with a few Terra to hold our ever increasing amounts of crap and Apple TV to boot...I don't think I will see it...

    but is this maybe the AIR angle


    Pog Out

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