понеділок, 30 травня 2011 р.

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  • Michaelgtrusa
    May 3, 04:33 AM
    A good uninstaller is need in OS 10. I'd like to know where and how much is installed.

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 01:11 PM
    It's amazing that a file that is stored locally (iDevices and iTunes) is causing so much uproar. Lolz! If you have access to my iDevices then I should be more worried than you having access to this location cache. Get a clue people.

    Here is a thought ... suppose when the police pull you over and figure they can wrap up a case by using the info they download from your phone and the make of car you are driving.

    Defense lawyers are not cheap :cool:

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  • sjp5317
    Mar 23, 09:11 AM
    I wonder if they'd give a revamped Classic Airplay capabilities... in addition to being the pocket media player we all know and love make it an addition to your other devices as a bulk mobile storage capable of pushing audio/video out to Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, etc. I'd buy another one then. I mean, I have a terabyte Toshiba drive that i carry in my laptop case, but that requires the USB cable. Who wants to dongle their drive?

    dongle their drive
    There must be a potential joke there :)

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  • antster94
    Apr 3, 01:54 PM
    Nice to see there's one in existence without a light bleed.

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  • spicyapple
    Nov 29, 07:11 AM
    I can't believe that MS still holds J. Allard as a big ruling leader
    There is a 40 minute podcast on Inside Home Recording that has J.Allard singing the praises of the Zune to a group of music/podcast/executive types at the 2006 Music Tech Summit. Great listening, and he explains the features of Zune media player, plus reasons for whoring with Universal Music.

    podcast (http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=79061694&s=143455&i=12059569) < takes you to iTunes podcast page.

    luv ya bunches! xoxoxo

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  • Tmelon
    Apr 9, 11:42 PM
    WOW!!! iCal looks *********g UGLY... I hope they add an option to use a standard gray toolbar area... That seems so unlike apple to do something like that.

    Heh.. What if they give everything that look :). I think I would switch to windows if they did that..

    To be honest I'm starting to like the new look. It gives some variety to the normal old gray windows. I think they'll change it up a little after all of these complaints but I doubt it'll go back to grey.

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 24, 05:57 PM
    man i'd love for them to include "old" yonah based chips and release a mini for $300-$400. i just want the cheapest intel rig i can buy right now as i'm "mid-cycle".

    I thought Yonah and Merom are basically the same cost-wise. That's why everyone thinks including merom in new systems won't raise the price of those systems. I could be wrong.

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  • chinesechikn
    Mar 26, 06:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The Future of video games?

    In the future, your controller will cost �400, require a 10ft HDMI cable, a �25 adapter, and have the graphics of a PS2.

    Yeah, and you can unplug it, put it in your bag, play it on the train, surf the web, check your email, edit your movie ...bit more than a $400 controller

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  • iPhone1
    Feb 8, 10:58 AM
    Wave hi to me as I pass you on the freeway :)

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  • bluelovesorange
    Jul 19, 04:28 PM
    for me, yes, and i bet a bunch others too

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  • jav6454
    Mar 24, 01:55 PM
    The one thing I wonder about is DRM. As it is now the connection to the display (and through DP) are protected (with either HDCP or DPCP). Do we know if LP/TB supports that protection (especially since the DP stream is actually separate from the PCIe stream)?

    It has too seeing as Intel is pushing DRM protection into the physical CPU.

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  • peterjhill
    Sep 7, 11:48 AM
    Quality is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important to me, than price.
    There I said it!

    When I see those delicious trailers, I cry for movies like that. Please God make it happen. 720p would be unbelievable, but I would believe it.

    Why buy an HD DVD player when you can download the movies at 720P... That would be good enough for me... Of course it depends on how much compression they use to make the file size smaller.. Also, would I be able to stop and resume downloading of the files?

    We will find out I guess.

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  • CmdrLaForge
    Sep 1, 01:33 PM
    That would be really great. Even so my 20" would look small then :eek:

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  • BurningJah
    Mar 22, 06:20 PM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    Yes people do have that many songs! I for instance
    Why is that totally not necessary??

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 24, 12:07 AM
    on a random note just so you know switching to diesel you need to improve your MPG by around 30% for the switch to be carbon neutral. Remember Diesel as a lot more carbon in it per unit volume than unleaded.

    Too lazy to do the research on that.... but in Europe - they seem to be far ahead of the US on many matters when to fuel economy and emissions in regards to diesel....

    To be honest it may be more that those in Europe aren't looking for pure horse power as we seem to be wanting here in the US...living very well with the power of my "base" 4 banger 2003 Subaru Baja...

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  • shecky
    Nov 15, 08:22 AM
    [incredibly naive question]

    is there any way to tell what software is multithreaded and will take advantage of the quad cores? (on the tech specs, etc...)

    [/incredibly naive question]

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  • bcharna
    Aug 6, 11:21 PM
    I can't sleep.

    MacRumors, stop making me dwell on this!!

    PS, is anyone here waiting for Mac support for the Slingbox? Thats pissing me off too!

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  • m4rc
    Mar 28, 11:50 AM
    Maybe he will go away and stop making up senseless rubbish if we just agree with him? Yes, Apple is dieing. Maybe a month, maybe a few weeks, but not long now. Such a shame. Gonna miss them. All because they didn't make a $500 computer, which cost more than that to make and market properly. They really should have listened to Imac_Japan you know, he saw it coming. Just think, if they hadn't been wasting their energy on that stupid iPod.......

    Has he gone yet?

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  • ethernet76
    Sep 6, 10:48 AM
    Somewhat decent, a bit faster than the 6600GT, less power consumption IIRC. Just look out for normal reviews in the PC territory, that should give you an idea. I think it would be a decent choice in a sub-$1000 computer... over that I'd be expecting something better. Still, the 6600GT which I have is pretty decent, can play most games at a good resolution and high quality settings.

    I'm going to buy the basic Mini... the size makes the difference, since it's going to be used at different locations (every few months in a different country ;) ). A superdrive would be nice, but not neccessary.

    Anyone knows if student discount and the "free printer" works with refurbs too?

    It doesn't.

    Jul 18, 09:03 AM
    [Fast downloads] would only be viable via streaming, and that won't happen because you can't stream to an iPod.

    Therefore, we can expect a big download. I imagine the movies will be the same quality as can be found currently in the store. . .
    Not ture. Apple could do a movie stream per rental, and let the CPU capture and convert it into a high-res iPod playable file. This way, after an hour or so you'll have a file playable on your iPod's lower res screen, or you can choose to watch it on the computer with a higher quality right away.

    Apr 15, 10:06 AM
    We know this guy is an ignoramus. We know Apple doesn't need saving. We know that as far as corporations go Apple couldn't be much healthier. We know what Apple's target market is, and that a cheap computer won't accomplish anything. Most importantly, we know we won't change iMacjapan's mind. He's stubborn and he's not listening.

    Hey, thank you for being an idiot !! I wasn't replying because I went on Holidays. I went to see Tokyo for Five days and track down the old places of Edo described in Ernest Satow's 1921 book "A diplomat in Japan" and to buy a new Emac !! Its 115 000 yen in Japan for a Superdrive model. Oh, I forgot...For you being a high school graduate - Edo (or Yedo in some translations) is the old name of Tokyo. Up until the Meiji restoration.

    If I was stupid - I wouldn't speak two languages
    If I was an ignorant person - I would have stayed in my home country and not learn about the ways of the world...I believe that you have spent too much time in front of you mac.
    If I was a vain pretender to knowledge - Do you know who Ernest Satow was ? Do you know over 2,000 Japanese kanji characters ? Do you know how to live in another country ? You have NO IDEA

    So please don't call other people names - This is a thread for discussion not a primary school (If you are American - a primary school is a elementary school) :D

    Jun 22, 07:50 PM
    Touch interfaces don't NECESSARILY mean touchscreen interfaces.

    The Magic Trackpad � http://www.macrumors.com/2010/06/07/apples-magic-trackpad-or-magic-slate-revealed/ � would allow for multi-touch on desktops, enabling many iOS applications to be used on a desktop computer (and obviously laptops could do the same thing with their trackpads).

    There are lots of ways this could be useful. For example: touch input in a desktop environment could be useful for manipulating or selecting MULTIPLE buttons/sliders/whatever independently, and at the same time � which you can't do with a mouse.

    iOS apps are designed for touchscreen operations. A trackpad would fail miserably as an input device for these. Think about it, how do you know where on screen you are touching if you're not directly touching the screen. Trackpads work because of the cursor indication the position on screen. Touchscreens don't require cursors because you are "directly" manipulating graphical objects.

    It just doesn't translate well to one another.

    Aug 25, 03:36 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    One blog claims (http://www.freemacblog.com/no-to-my-order-again/) that bulk orders for the Mac mini are currently being denied until after Labor Day.
    Sheesh! Do we really have to wait 'til May before we can buy any more Mac minis? This smacks of serious mis-management!! :eek:

    Mar 23, 10:27 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Steve Jobs also said they weren't cancelling HyperCard. I wouldn't put much faith in what he says.

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