понеділок, 30 травня 2011 р.

background wallpaper flowers

background wallpaper flowers. flowers wallpaper background.
  • flowers wallpaper background.

  • zap2
    Sep 1, 12:04 PM
    i Doubt it..a 23'' seems like its really stepping into "Pro" Computer area..

    background wallpaper flowers. BROWN FLOWERS FRAME WALLPAPER

  • mscriv
    Mar 24, 01:44 PM
    This thread reminds me of a show I saw recently about this topic and one of it's segments featured Exodus International. It was an interesting program.


    I'm not familiar with the Exodus International, but in the interview the current president says they make no claims about "curing" homosexuality, that they just provide support for those who have similar views. One of the founders who left the movement was interviewed as well. It seems their program has gone through many changes since it's founding over 30 years ago.

    There were similar programs with differing beliefs profiled as well.

    As far as the app goes, Apple as a business has the right to do what they please, but I imagine it's difficult to apply criteria based on what might be "offensive" to large groups of people. That doesn't really sound like much of a measurable criteria to me. But, that plays right into Apple's status quo of keeping a tight rein on their own ecosystem. With non-specific and unmeasureable criteria they can do what they want without violating their own "rules".

    background wallpaper flowers. Fuchia Close Up ackground
  • Fuchia Close Up ackground

  • gnomeisland
    Apr 20, 02:28 PM
    2. HDMI out

    Why would be ever see this on an iMac? Mac mini, yes (it was overdue). iMac, never.

    background wallpaper flowers. ackground wallpaper flowers
  • ackground wallpaper flowers

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 27, 05:22 AM
    The AWACS involved are owned and operated by NATO. There may not even be US personnel on board.

    Plus, Greece, USA and the RAF are also supplying aerial reconnaissance/warning craft of their own in addition to the 3 NATO ones.

    I've been pleased by how cooperative the coalition has been. It hasn't been one country dominating. The French were first in, both the USA and UK fired missiles, the Canadians have been patrolling, and even countries with smaller armed forces add up to a significant proportion of the forces involved. There are rumours of UK and US special forces on the ground coordinating strikes as well.

    Obviously the US makes up the biggest contribution, but France and the UK (together I think of these as the big three in this action) have still contributed plenty to the forces available.

    Hopefully we will look back at this as how armed forces should be in the 21st century- sanctioned by the UN and in a real coalition.

    background wallpaper flowers. ackground wallpaper flowers.
  • ackground wallpaper flowers.

  • Carl Spackler
    Nov 29, 03:31 PM
    Ws there any mention of iTV's HD capabilities?

    Its outputs are HDMI and component video. It is designed for HD content.

    I learned to drive on a '79 RX-7. Brilliant automobile.

    background wallpaper flowers. ackground wallpaper flowers.
  • ackground wallpaper flowers.

  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 08:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

    This would be hilarious if there's no official announcement. Nah, they won't leave us hanging.

    background wallpaper flowers. wallpapers flower. wallpaper
  • wallpapers flower. wallpaper

  • finchna
    Oct 23, 09:20 AM
    Apple needs to get away from making such a big deal our of small updates (processor change) as Intel will have such things changing more often than motorola or ibm ever did. apple should reserve such announcements and hoopla for major revisions or complete overhauls. based on recent benchmarks there is little performance improvement in these new chips save for the speed bump.

    background wallpaper flowers. Nature Animated Background
  • Nature Animated Background

  • nilk
    Mar 25, 01:50 PM
    You can upgrade to the latest 5870 card if you wanted to right now. It might not be 'officially' supported but you can still do it.

    Supposedly the 5870 won't work on Mac Pro 1,1 with specific firmware (MP11.005C.B08 won't work).

    From a comment at store.apple.com:

    With regard to the Mac Pro 1,1, it apparently depends on your system's firmware and your version of Mac OS X. If your firmware version is MP11.005C.B00 or MP11.005D.B00, it should work. If your Mac Pro's firmware version is MP11.005C.B08, it will NOT work. If you have the correct firmware, you must have at least Snow Leopard 10.6.4 to use the card to its fullest.

    background wallpaper flowers. Flowers Wallpapers Vector
  • Flowers Wallpapers Vector

  • Earendil
    Nov 27, 04:08 PM
    Same hear. I just find it interesting that you seem to be ignoring the fact that 1 year ago you were willing to pay an approximately $100 markup for SWOP certification, yet you find it completely reasonable for Apple to essentially be charging $300 for it today? I'm about the biggest fan of Apple of anyone but their prices are out of touch on their 20" displays.

    I still am failing to see a counter point.
    We both agree that Apple has a higher quality display, that id required by professionals. We both agree that the prices a year ago were a good price, and competative. Now you are making a claim that the competition has lowered their prices (linky?), and that this proves me wrong. I've already stated that my quick searching revealed no such compition in that price point half of what Apple's is, and have put the ball in your court to show me otherwise. Surely if you are making these claims you are aware of a product?

    It is not hard to find 20" LCD monitors that cost twice as much as Apple's (Check out NEC's site for example). So I'm failing to see an example of a similarly specced wide LCD to show me exactly how out of whack Apple is. All I hear is "too expensive!" and "100% more!!".
    Sure, I'd like them cheaper too, but I'm not going to scream foul without being able to back it up with something.

    background wallpaper flowers. wallpaper flowers abstract.
  • wallpaper flowers abstract.

  • dorramide7
    Oct 17, 11:48 PM
    I don't know of anyone having a problem with the new iphone! I know that it is possible to make the reception problem happen, but I could also "make" reception problems happen on every cell phone I've ever owned.

    Does Consumer Reports stop recommending automobile purchases? Because you know if there is an issue with a car, the manufacturer will issue a recall. If you are affected, you have to take it into a dealer where it will be fixed. The onus is on the owner of the car, for crying out loud! The auto manufacturers should go house to house providing the fix for free to all cars, whether their owners report a problem or not!

    Wait, you mean Consumer Reports does not hold the auto manufacturers to the same artificial standard they hold Apple to? How amazing...

    background wallpaper flowers. ackground Wallpaper for
  • ackground Wallpaper for

  • Mr. Gates
    Mar 23, 04:53 AM
    I would need a 2.4 TB iPod to store all of my Music.
    Right now I'm using an 80 gig and choosing different playlists on my monthly sync.
    I only use it for the car so I'm not too concerned with upgrading.

    With my iPhone I use the app "ORB (http://www.orb.com/en/orblive)" and have full access to the home server anytime but that depends on DATA and is sometimes slow or in bad coverage areas.

    I only need this for the car, so no big deal.

    But if they stop making the classic I would be bummed out

    background wallpaper flowers. ackground wallpaper
  • ackground wallpaper

  • tny
    Aug 7, 08:11 AM
    Let me steer this off topic real quick. I have read before that Apple has two OS teams so "in theory" Leopard would, in fact, be Panther 2.0 and 10.7 would be Tiger 2.0. Again, in theory� Can someone clear that up?

    Nope. Here's how it works, usually (not saying this is what Apple does, but nearly everyone else does this, so ...). You've got one master codebase, called the "trunk." Everyone works with that. When it's time to start working toward a release candidate, you copy off the code base and create what's called a "branch."

    Changes to the trunk are rarely back-ported to the branch (it usually depends upon whether they are bug fixes or new features; bug fixes, often are back-ported if they aren't risky; new features almost never); any changes to the branch which are relevent to the trunk *are* ported to the trunk (since most of them are bug fixes, and the rest are probably new features whose loss might be noticed in the next release).

    The branch keeps being used by one team that is working on, let's say, Tiger, right up through the release and during maintenance (10.4.1, 10.4.2, 10.4.3, etc. are all from the branch, not from the trunk), while another team keeps working on the trunk until the time they branch (10.5 Alpha) the next release (let's say Leopard). When the newer branch hits release, one of two things happen: either the team that did the development on the new branch continues doing maintenance (10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3), or the group that was doing maintenance on the earlier release does maintenance on the new branch and the folks who designed the new branch go back to work on the trunk until it's time to branch again (10.6, let's call it Lion). Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

    I'm guess this it what is meant by "Apple has two teams working on OS X." Two teams, but only one code base trunk. And thus 10.4 is derived from 10.3, not 10.2.

    background wallpaper flowers. Beautiful White Flower desktop
  • Beautiful White Flower desktop

  • AidenShaw
    Aug 29, 09:26 AM
    wheres my media edition mac mini...

    seriously i would be stoked if they released an ULV Mac Mini with a 100GB HDD for all your audio and video needs. Ability to plug a 30" ACD would be nice, as 23" isn't that big for a TV. Built-in eyeTV equivalent, better remote... i want one!
    Wait for the Apple HTPC - the upcoming Conroe mini-tower/pizza-box.

    In the meantime, here's a Conroe HTPC that's now available:



    background wallpaper flowers. ackground, wallpaper,
  • ackground, wallpaper,

  • twoodcc
    May 8, 02:59 AM
    After I read your suggestion it occurred to me that I have access to the console (through inCrease) and can change it there (also where I told it not to do large units, wouldn't get done in time on the 08) I am running a3 on the 09 though (not sure if those are bigadv)

    wait, so are you running a3's on your 09s? or bigadv units?

    also, congrats to whiterabbit for 15 million points!

    background wallpaper flowers. Flower Beautiful Background
  • Flower Beautiful Background

  • SchneiderMan
    Nov 27, 02:20 PM
    I like this. I really wish it didn't have the logo, though. Much classier as just a photograph, IMHO.

    Yeah I wish I could Photoshop it LOL.

    background wallpaper flowers. Background Wallpapers.
  • Background Wallpapers.

  • solvs
    Jul 18, 02:01 AM
    Yeah, if it's $9.99 to rent, it's going to fail. $1.99, might be worth it. I'm sure a lot of people will be happy, then a lot of people will complain. Both with have good points, but the rest of us won't care.

    background wallpaper flowers. Happy Flower Wallpaper Bumper
  • Happy Flower Wallpaper Bumper

  • aswitcher
    Jan 11, 05:58 PM
    I really don't think Apple will come out with external optical drives... That is just too... complicated.

    <Sarcasm> Yeah...makes the development of the iPhone look easy... </Sarcasm>

    First time I've seen USB called complicated :).

    I see what you mean from a design standpoint though, inelegant might be a better word. But it just makes too much sense not to do it. I hardly EVER use my optical drive. Why am I carrying it everywhere I go?

    Actually I REALLY hopes its both USB and FW. FW will allow me to toss my OS disk in and force my disk driveless Mac to boot from it in FW mode.

    while your argument is valid, those lines never had a PRO vs. non-PRO line like the notebook segment does. While it is possible that they may go aluminum across the board (makes sense with the aluminum features of the iphone and imac) they still need a way to differentiate their PRO line other than name badging and integrated graphics. this also doesn't take into effect the added cost of the aluminum materials that would cause a non-PRO line increase in cost. so i think this might debunk an all aluminum line.

    Differences will be like they do now:
    Pro has real graphics card
    Screen size
    Physical size (this time with Pro being smaller)
    Pro has backlit keyboard
    Pro is faster

    New differences I see even through the all Alu design:
    Pro is smaller
    Pro has FW800 and maybe HDMI
    Pro has a touch screen or a touch trackpad
    Pro has no keyboard but a massive touch pad - although thats got big issues
    Pro has more memory

    And they could even do coloured alu (aka iPod like) for MBs and neked Alu for Pro machines

    background wallpaper flowers. ackground wallpapers for
  • ackground wallpapers for

  • gr8whtd0pe
    Jan 2, 07:22 PM
    And since it doesn't fit into the garage (it's too long), I have to clean the snow off :mad: :

    You call that snow? PFFT. lol

    background wallpaper flowers. flowers background wallpapers.
  • flowers background wallpapers.

  • hdsalinas
    Sep 1, 12:38 PM
    My Guess:

    iMac 17" - 1299
    1.83 GHz
    512MB RAM
    160 SATA
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 - 128

    iMac 20" - 1699
    2.0 GHz upgradable to 2.16
    512MB RAM
    250 SATA
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 128 upgradable to 256 (As is already)

    iMac 23": 1900 x 1200 - 1999
    2.16 GHz upgradable to 2.33
    1 GB Standard
    250 SATA upgradable to 500 (as 17" and 20" is)
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 256
    FW 800

    I didn't say upgradable on 17" and 20" hard drives because we already know that.

    In a dream world I'd say the 23" vCard would go to the x1800 or something

    I think that your predection is very realistic. I would think that if they do introduced this model they would at least drop $100 off the price of the current models

    Now with those specs, the imac 23 should be called the "Imac Pro"

    Mar 22, 03:50 PM
    The chance that the iPod Classic is updated to 220GB is zero. Apple has no plans to ever update a hard drive based non-touch portable device (they would not waste their time), and they've shown even less interest in increasing the capacity of any device beyond even 64GB flash.


    Is Apple's 64GB falsh memory ceiling a reflection of the market place or that Apple is now run by profit hungry cheapskates?

    Electro Funk
    Jul 18, 07:49 PM
    Yeah, if it's $9.99 to rent, it's going to fail. $1.99, might be worth it. I'm sure a lot of people will be happy, then a lot of people will complain. Both with have good points, but the rest of us won't care.

    i wouldnt even pay a $1.99 if the resolution is the same as the current video content on iTunes... HORRID!

    Nov 26, 09:57 AM
    Finished gifts for 2 of 4 people in my family :D. And got third season of Dexter for myself which I am watching now. My mom also got a wireless printer which once iPad 4.2 is jailbreakable I can airprint :). Good day. And the movies costed $34 total :D

    Sep 5, 06:56 AM
    Do you seriously want the Apple is behind/outdated mindset to sink in again?

    Personally I don't care one bit about Apple being seen as outdated, but it would just be one model. And the cheapest at that. With a dual core cpu, which most new pc's don't have at this time. In a cute little package.

    I'm mostly saying that a 64bit cpu in a mini doesn't make sense until Leopard arrives and that is far enough away for another mini update before it happens.

    Apr 12, 09:10 PM
    Is there anybody actually filming this? From what the tweets are describing, the audience are loving it, i'd like to see this keynote.

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