вівторок, 31 травня 2011 р.

wiz khalifa and amber rose married

wiz khalifa and amber rose married. Wiz Khalifa amp; Amber Rose
  • Wiz Khalifa amp; Amber Rose

  • tvguru
    Aug 7, 04:51 AM
    I like the UK. B&O have their entire product range here, wheras they don't in Australia...

    I'm assuming Bang & Olufsen, I've never heard of them.
    Google is my friend

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • marktech101
    Jan 13, 04:18 PM
    Come on, people!!
    In my opinion, their quote, "There's something in the air," is nothing other than an allusion to the fact that they're going to introduce a 3G iPhone. We have all known that this was coming eventually; Jobs even said that the only thing stopping them from introducing it was low battery life.

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • pcharles
    Mar 23, 07:58 AM
    Correct me if I'm wrong here, but people keep going on about ThunderBolt like it's gonna fill 200gig ipods in a minute and how you can copy 500gig files between computers in minutes...

    That may be the case between ThunderBolt connected RAID arrays, and Macbook Pros with lightning fast SSD write rates,

    but isn't the case that the 1.8inch HDD in the ipod wouldn't be able to write files to it's disk at anything close to ThunderBolt speeds, I wouldn't be suprised if USB2.0 nearly saturates these 1.8inch drive write speeds.

    I agree that Thunderbolt is overkill until we have raided SSD, but my old FW400 ipod fills much faster than my new USB2 iPod Video, so I do not think that USB2 is saturating the drive. There are plenty of benchmarks out there showing that FW is significantly faster for sustained read/write operations. Thunderbolt could be thought of as the new firewire because it supports fast sustained transfer, can be daisy chained, and supports other protocols such as networking and video. Its potential is amazing! Imagine a computer of the future with one port on to which you can daisy chain your monitor and all your peripherals, and still have bandwidth to spare!

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • yg17
    Mar 19, 11:16 PM
    For the sake of consistency with the App Store and its censorship policies, it should be removed for containing offensive, disgusting content.

    I don't think it should be removed, and I don't think many other apps that have been removed should be removed. I just think Apple should censor consistently or not censor at all.

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. Wiz Khalifa in Billionaire
  • Wiz Khalifa in Billionaire

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Aug 6, 09:00 PM
    Haha, I love the digs at Vista. Vista's been getting so much bad press recently this is fantastic. They should simply have this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QdGt3ix2CQ) video on repeat on screens throughout the event!!

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • nospeed411
    Jan 11, 09:43 PM
    The beater in winter mode....rockin a fresh new set of OEM mudflaps just for winter:D I love winter mode, my car sports the goth look. Plus I am prolly the only one around who winds DOWN the coilovers so it has the right stance on the steelies.

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • Abstract
    Nov 27, 04:19 AM
    After being here for 3 years, Surely he's not a troll. ;)

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • reflex
    Aug 29, 09:20 AM
    Yonah doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Merom is pin-compatible and costs exactly the same amount. Besides, it would be a PR boost for Apple to have the entire lineup 64-bit and "Leopard ready".

    They can still update the mini in February or March to be "Leopard ready".

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 05:38 PM
    I'm just going to continue to play dense because.

    Anyway, I wonder if Time Canada is going to blow the story again.

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. Is Wiz Khalifa Going To Wife
  • Is Wiz Khalifa Going To Wife

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 11:17 AM
    As far as i can see Sirius is really an american service? Lets not forget Apple needs to make product releases applicable for the world outside america....one does exist :p

    I agree with you completly, you dont sirius in the UK...

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Jan 12, 12:07 PM
    300C img...
    Still fantastic. :D And gorgeous!

    Sweet ride + great "color." A 300C will be my next car, probably after I graduate college in a year-ish, unless I find one for a great price before / my current car poops out.

    My 2001 LHS has over 155,000 miles, and it will be nice to upgrade to a Hemi with lower miles.

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • appleboy
    Mar 21, 08:32 AM
    Apple actually did have a plan to enter the low end market but jobs scrapped it. They were going to make a deal with ibm a make atx form factor motherboard with no expansion slots and a soldered in g3 cpu that could support ps2 keyboards and mice. The idea was to sell it with osx 10.2 no ilife or apple works for 100 bucks so people could build there own low end mac compatible computer and when they upgraded to 10.3 and bought ilife apple would make a great deal of profit on them. Jobs decided if they did this it would cheapen the apple name and hurt the companies image.

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. Amber Rose Wiz Khalifa
  • Amber Rose Wiz Khalifa

  • SciFrog
    May 3, 12:10 PM
    They are fine on my 07 8 cores Mac Pro. Even light encoding is fine...

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.

  • jonharris200
    Jan 1, 07:15 PM
    Thanks arn for the (early?!) round-up.

    One thing's for sure. Apple will save their PR gunpowder. Even if all the rumoured products are ready for release, you can guarantee they'll keep a few things up their sleeve for later in the year. (This will disappoint those who fail to appreciate that MWSF never contains a complete roadmap for the following 3 months, let alone the next year.)

    I reckon:

    - Updates to iLife and iWork
    - New Video iPod and iTV released
    - Leopard previewed with more cheeky digs at our Redmond friends, Vista etc, but not due for launch until March
    - No word on an iPhone whatsoever, which will freak some people out

    One thing that would be fantastic would be a complete overhaul to .Mac. What are the chances I wonder? :confused:

    What's exciting though is that the rumours are so far so unreliable. :D

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo

  • Leslie.Hon
    Mar 31, 10:54 AM
    I hate the new iCal design... :(

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose
  • Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose

  • AidenShaw
    Aug 26, 11:19 PM
    Wow, Aiden, you sound pretty confident about that. Do you know something that the rest of us don't? (It would make sense, however, to have a mid-range single Conroe-based desktop.)
    It's not that I know anything - it's just that it's so bloody obvious that nothing in Apple's current lineup is even remotely suitable for a home theater PC....

    However, a Conroe in a DVD-player sized case, with 2 or 3 500GB or 750GB drives, a couple of TV tuners (SD and HD), FrontRow on steroids - then you'd have something.

    Take a peek at what available in Windows for the Home Theatre space - like: http://www.acedigitalhome.com/limited.htm

    Conroes with quad TV tuners, RAID, touch-screen controls....

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. wiz khalifa and amber rose
  • wiz khalifa and amber rose

  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 11:04 AM
    When Iphone 5 comes out, :rolleyes: .

    Heh, and even then...

    As I said, competitors planted news about iPhone 3 flaws, and then iPhone 4 flaws, and I'm sure they will do the same about iPhone 5 flaws. The flaws will exist, of course, but it will be inflated to the point where it's implied you are crazy if you buy an iPhone 5. And all of the iPhone 5 competitors who have similar flaws will get a pass.

    Until the iPhone 6 comes out and the cycle repeats. Now, if we had reporters who did more than stenography, we might get rationality instead of emotionalism when this stuff gets pushed by PR firms.

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. amber rose and wiz khalifa
  • amber rose and wiz khalifa

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 29, 12:47 PM
    A "FEW" weeks!!!!!!!
    That too for a Core Duo and not even a Core 2 Duo!

    Thats disappointing!!!

    And what about the MBP?

    It seems that if this rumor is correct, then why now? Why not 2 months ago? Have mini sales been all that great to warrant holding off on a simple update? Or could they possibly have been waiting for other products to move to merom so the mini doesn't infringe? I just don't understand why this has taken so long.

    I would assume they're going to update everything at once to make a grander impression with all of the new upgrades. Sure, they could probably easily update the mini now and make it available for purchase, but why not wait until the C2D hits the other machines at the same time? That way Apple can say their entire computer product line has been updated. I think it makes more of an impression to casual computer and mac users.

    wiz khalifa and amber rose married. NEW PICS : Amber Rose and Wiz
  • NEW PICS : Amber Rose and Wiz

  • pope
    Jan 13, 09:28 AM
    introducing...MacBook Error

    Apr 2, 01:36 AM
    Use the dev version instead. A lot more stable than the beta one.

    Thank you very much.

    Oct 23, 11:33 AM
    New MacBook Pro's and video iPods for some, abortions and miniature American flags for others


    Aug 29, 09:33 AM
    No to Merom in the mini. Core Duo in both models and a significant price drop. They are supposed to be low end machines, so give them a low end price point.

    Aug 7, 07:50 AM
    Go to Sharing preference pane, enable the Firewall, click Advanced, and enabling Firewall Logging.

    Your wish just came true. All blocked intrusions are now logged for your perusal.

    I think he means more like XP SP2 / Vista. They have a Security Center which gives you your firewall settings, antivirus (if installed) and spyware protection (if installed). Its nice to have it all in one place, no one wants to go digging thru logs, you are crazy.... LOL

    Nov 27, 12:48 AM
    This poster

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