понеділок, 30 травня 2011 р.

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  • jbelkin
    Nov 28, 01:32 PM
    The problem with the Amazon chart is you can guess a Thursday at 5 PM ranking is better than a Sunday at 4 AM ranking but it's hard to tell exactly if one means sales of 1,000 and one means sales of 18 - last time I checked, the Zune was 48 with a couple ipod cases selling better but of course, it's better to crowd the top 10.

    Yea, MS still thinks it's 1992. Notice how they trumped the Zune would be in 30,000 stores versus 10,000 for the ipod? Does anyoen want to point out the internet to MS? That no matter what town I live in, in 1992 I might've had 1 choice in buying consumer electronics but now I can be in Middle Nowhere, North Dakota and literally have 100,000 stores + eBay at my fingertips? And where Ms counts on - no choice but ours to buy - the default choice - iPods on the other hand are not at Walgreens or 7-11 but people still find them ... amazing what world class hardware, software and online store will do for you.

    Ms doesn't understand why when consumers have a real choice, they seldom choose MS products (webtv, talking barney's, watch OS or Melinda Gates' last MS project - the answer to OS7, MS Bob).

    Looks like Steve ballmer's stock holdings are going to need some more propping up.

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  • Tyler23
    Mar 31, 07:47 AM
    I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that really likes the look of the new ical

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  • steviem
    Apr 25, 08:57 AM
    The more publicity on this, the more likely a hack will be developed. I love how many news organizations believe that this open file is some kind of new issue!

    There is a reason that some of us Jailbreak, outside of the desire to add applications outside of the appstore.

    There are other ways to access data on an iPhone outside of Apple tools. If you think a Passcode is making your phone secure, you are mistaken.

    If someone is getting into your iPhone, the least of your worries is a file showing an approximation of where you've been.

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  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 01:05 PM
    You opinion may be true of some people- not all. I did not choose to be attracted to guys. I also could never have sex with a woman. It's not physically possible for me, if you get my meaning. Stop telling other people that you know everything about them. You don't. Not everyone is the same.

    In any of my comments I never said I new anything about them. I am speculating from pure observation. I am basing everything I know off of my friends experiences and what I've heard from them and what they saw to communities and towns during there speeches. No, I don't get your meaning either. So many ways to guess that meaning that I wouldn't be right if I guessed.

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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 20, 05:55 PM
    Homeopathy does at least have the placebo effect.

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  • puuukeey
    Aug 25, 11:34 AM
    just a thought. I'd like to see at least one mini stay as cheap as possible. cheap minis are condusive to the "non desktop" or "inivisible" situations we all love them for.

    creative things like
    Home automation,
    Home theater
    automotive fun
    art installations
    internet radio.
    cash registers
    security systems
    advertising kiosks(shoot me)

    I always thought they should lay a tiny screen on them for applications like these where it's purpose doesn't need to infinitely pliable.

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  • Yahgo
    Sep 8, 02:58 PM
    This sure is starting to sound like MOVIEBEAM... and who owns that???

    Walt Disney Owns MOVIEBEAM.

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  • jcdavies
    Sep 21, 04:44 PM
    Got mine today. Definitely the low profile look I wanted; feels and looks like black suede. Very attactive.

    All openings clear the space they need to�camera lens, speaker, earphone jack, etc. The power and volume switches are covered by the usual raised �buttons.� The power button takes a little extra oomph to make work since the case fits a little less snug than the Incase I�m accustomed to from my previous iPod Touch. Not loose enough to be a problem...actually, �loose� overstates it a bit...just not as tight a fit as what I�m used to.

    Will work for the time being, until something irresistible comes out.

    Here�s what I ordered (http://53zt.sl.pt) (Incipio Dermashot for iPod Touch 4G)

    Definitely think the included stand is a stroke of genius in its simple design (would have loved to have this on a couple of overseas flights the past two years, pre-iPad). Am still pondering the �do I or don�t I� question on a screen protector. Now that it�s glass, simple logic tells me it shouldn�t be necessary unless someone wants to begin scraping diamonds down the face....right?

    In the article does it not say it comes with a screen protector, are you telling us it doesnt?

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  • ingenious
    Apr 7, 09:19 AM
    really, this is what Ive been taking about...I think that most Mac users don't want to hear it

    maybe thats because its not true and most mac articles are written by very wintel biased writers.

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  • Surf and Turf
    Oct 24, 06:23 AM
    dun get excited it is just routine maintanace. The new mbk will will be released late november

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  • Earendil
    Nov 27, 02:50 PM
    Maybe Apple just needs to lower its monitor prices to sane levels as opposed to the ridiculous prices that they currently stand at. Justify them all you want, if Apple really wants to push its monitors, those prices need to come down. They might have flew 3 years ago, but enough is enough.

    I just got a 22-inch LCD for $370 (US), and it's not a piece. Quite frankly, I can't really tell the difference. Plus it has better adjustments and I/O. It doesn't have the Apple look, and it only has 1050 horizontal lines of res but, that's not worth the extra dollars for me.

    "but, that's not worth the extra dollars for me"

    Ding-Ding-Ding! You answered all of your above complaints and whining about Apple's prices. You aren't the target audience for their displays.

    (note: I would suggest you see my comp specs and gear below before reading my post further)

    Perhaps it is an oversight of Apples that they sell both consumer and pro-sumer computers, and yet only offer a pro-sumer monitor. However considering that 2 of the 3 consumer computers by Apple have built in monitors, and the 3rd is meant to be used with exisiting mouse, keyboard and monitor, it may not be such a big deal.

    Also, if you want cheaper, there exists cheaper. It's not as if Apple is robbing you of much needed options in montior selection by not offering a cheap monitor. Any monitor made today will work with your Mac. The only thing they are robbing you of is their design.

    Now don't anyone bring up the "Apple is bad because of what I can get from Dell" topic again until you read this very carefully (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=252327)
    In summery though, Apple uses a different, far more advanced color accurate panel for their monitors. This allows them certification that they pay for. They also pay someone with a design background to make the casing, and don't have the EE's do it like at some companies :rolleyes:

    Now, back on topic :)

    I was in the "Apple needs to make a 17" monitor" crowd for a long time. Than I bought a cheap 20" wide display, and I love it. I suppose with Photography and a few games here and there, there is a reason I'm inclined to now say I wouldn't use a smaller screen. But unless Apple wants to sell a consumer display (which they don't currently do), to be used with the Mac Mini, I really don't see much of a reason for Apple to do it. A pro-sumer 17" display is useless and pointless IMHO. If you have a 3 grand G5 doing professional graphics/video work, you aren't going to buy a pro-sumer 17" monitor for $400 :rolleyes:

    That said, if Apple had offered a consumer level 20" wide monitor at a similar price point to Dells, I'd have bought it hands down.

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  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 13, 12:09 AM
    For those that think it [BMW 1 series] is too tall, keep in mind that it gives it a much roomier feel inside. I am 6'4 and I could not fit in a miata sized car. When I get in a 3 series, even it feels less roomy in the cockpit.

    I'm 6' 3", and I have tried just about every car that I like that people said I would not fit in: Z3s, the E30 I bought, Datsun 240z, Miata, Triumph TR6, and a few more. (I prefer proper vintage small body British sports cars, when cars could be lightweight) Honestly just the Miata was not comfortable for me. I do think that ALL the seats were still too high off the floor of the car. No head issues in any of them really. I prefer F1 style seating like I have setup with my racing/gaming chair. The only car I felt the most comfortable in was a 96 C4 Corvette.

    What I hate is an accelerator pedal that is behind the brake pedal. I want both knees at the same height when setup from dual foot driving (term?)... Any recommendations for cars like that, or do I need to install race pedals?

    Anyway, back to the 1 series. One word: Bitchin (But I think its too heavy for its size)

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  • ikir
    May 3, 12:49 AM
    Very handy!

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  • firestarter
    Mar 19, 10:36 AM
    I sort of support this, but as has been said before I think its time that America puts a heavier burden on allied nations to provide military assistance for UN resolutions.

    America is constantly being blamed for policing the world and I think it is a criticism we often deserve.

    But if the UN / international community is willing to allow/support the enforcement of a no fly zone. Than they should bear equal responsibility for the execution of the movement, the US shouldn't be providing 90% of the military support and funds.

    This is being led by the UK and France... Obama has been dragging his feet.


    Doesn't seem to stop Obama from going on TV to claim credit though.

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  • Digital Dude
    Mar 24, 02:49 PM
    [QUOTE=aiqw9182;12245523]You can upgrade to the latest 5870 card if you wanted to right now.../QUOTE]

    So, without using the supplied windows CD/Driver I can simply plug n' play the 5870 into my 2009 MacPro and it work?! Sounds very tempting.

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  • McRCN
    Apr 10, 04:45 PM
    I learned to drive a stick when I was about 25. I had no choice, I bought a new car that was a stick. It was rather easy to learn.

    Funny memory about the night I picked up my new car that I never forgot. The dealership gave me a coupon for a free tank of gas. There was a steep hill on the way out of the gas station, so the car kept rolling backwards. Luckily it was late in the evening, so no one else was around. I think it took me 3 or 4 tries to figure it out. :D

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  • AutumnSkyline
    Oct 23, 02:33 PM
    I don't know if this update is imminent. apple.com store still shows macbooks and mbp as shipping within 24 hours....

    then they lie!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 20, 12:45 PM
    Yeah, that's worked so well for us in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Yeah, you are right. They now use a lot of American arms, and American soldiers are there to train them and fight with them side by side. And Iraqi oil production is skyrocketing so much that they even invite economists to help their treasurers deal with "something never have been used to handling".

    Can we count on you to volunteer?

    No. It's not my place and my time has long past to be "volunteered" for such duties. However, should your children wish to become warriors and protect people like me, I vonlunteer them! ;)

    Hey, check out this mini mushroom fireball thingie. What kind of bomb is this? It looks kind of big. Edpecially the fact that it's in the backgorund and the camera naturally makes it small. If you were up close, it's gotta be HUGE! ...and makes a mushroom too instantly.

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  • jgould
    Feb 23, 06:30 PM
    MacBook Pro 2.16GHz C2D with Dell U2211H (http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/products/Displays/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&cs=19&sku=320-9271).
    Visidec monitor arm (http://www.amazon.com/Visidec-Articulated-Monitor-Support-Displays/dp/B001M4HF3I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502587&sr=8-1) and laptop arm (http://www.amazon.com/Visidec-VF-AT-NK-Monitor-Displays-Polished/dp/B002UJVIA0/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502587&sr=8-3).
    Macally ICEKEY Keyboard (http://www.amazon.com/Macally-USB-Slim-Keyboard-ICEKEY/dp/B00006HYP6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1298502832&sr=8-1) with Logitech mouse (this (http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-910-001204-Corded-Mouse-M500/dp/B002B3YCQM/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502892&sr=8-14) is the current version of it).
    Galant desk (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S39837008) from IKEA.
    Other things include juggling balls, dry-erase markers, an iPhone, and a card from my grandmother.

    Nice and simple. That's what I really should do is arm mount the display and MacBook... *ponders this* Can you still get to the optical drive in the MBP?

    Edit: I'm looking at Amazon right now, do you have to have two arms for the way you have everything mounted? I'm thinking that the answer is yes.

    Apr 2, 07:07 PM
    Juxtaposition of medical apps to a simple preschool numbers trace shows the broad appeal and power. Sorry competitors, if you think this is just about a web browser on a tablet you clearly have no vision. Apple is yet again skating to where the puck is going.

    Also - Peter Coyote's voice always adds gravitas.

    Jun 22, 05:42 PM
    I'm confident that you will not see any computers running both Mac OS and iOS. Apple has made it pretty clear that they are two different lines (you may think the iPad blurs that line but it is still explicitly iOS and doesn't eat into the Mac usage as much as you'd think).

    Could you see the two operating systems merge one day? Possibly, but also doubtful.

    Mar 20, 04:57 PM
    Homeopathy does actively harm people, as it causes them to forgo medicine that actually works, possibly causing premature death from a curable ailment.
    25% of Amercans are evangelicals, and wouldn't consider this hate speech. This is a form of the love of god.
    No. Homeopathy does not require people to forgo medicine that actually works.

    Nov 28, 09:56 AM
    The only iPod behind the Zune on the list that Apple still makes is the U2 SE. All the others are discontinued models.

    Sep 6, 09:49 AM
    Just as others, I am waiting on the merom MBP. People are ansy about this because the current MBP is known to those who knew about the merom as a "place holder" until the actual install of the merom. the merom was built for laptops and of course the laptops will be the last machines to actually recieve it. The order in which apple is updating their computers with this new chip is not logical to the consumer but may very well be logical to apple $$$.

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