понеділок, 30 травня 2011 р.

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  • 4God
    Jan 1, 05:38 PM
    I think we'll hear more on iTV. I also think now would be the time for iLife and Leopard announcements. It wouldn't surprise me to see an update to the displays, including a built in iSight and a move from 23" to 24" - don't know 'bout that 50 incher though. :rolleyes: I don't think we'll see an update to FCP or MacPros untill NAB.

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  • jb1280
    Apr 3, 06:12 AM
    Very powerful ad.

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  • ventro
    Jan 5, 06:25 PM
    Modern masterpiece

    Great job man. Well written.

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  • adamjay
    Apr 8, 11:18 PM
    Fact is Pcs are running away from Mac and when a 500 dollar machine kicks a new $2000 Imac .

    yea show me a PC Box with a 17" to 20" LCD, and comparable spec's as the imac that costs $500 total? and don't even spit some BS about framerates in Halo.

    you have to be smart to be a smart-ass.

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  • zac4mac
    Sep 6, 10:01 AM
    It may have been introduced then, but that wasn't the last time it was refreshed . See here which is actually on May 16th.

    Wrong, all they did then was drop the bottom config. Top speed is STILL 2.16GHz, as it was the day the 15"MBP started shipping in Feb. - I have a 2.0 that I received Feb28. The ONLY speed bump the MBP has gotten was before they started shipping.


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  • Fwink!
    Mar 22, 04:36 PM
    The suggestion that they will kill a product that has a great niche is kinda silly. My classic still gets plenty of use. A music player doesn't need a touchscreen. though I could see them doing that, changing the form factor a bit. One of the things that kept me from buying a touch when they came out was the limited storage capacity. What I see them doing is thinning the classic down, keeping the scroll wheel, using flash storage and adding airplay functionality. Big hds on portable players are nice but at some level you have to admit, there are very few people who legitimately "own" that much music. And Apple who should remain neural and just make the devices does like to act as ethical gatekeeper. As things shift to cloud storage, first will come non linear access to media, and then slowly but surely accountability and a polite but insistent offer to purchase the rights to all that music you seem to have that you don't have a receipt for from Apple.

    mark it.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 8, 09:38 PM
    Well, the update certainly wasn't jaw-dropping, it was just a normal product cycle update. So in comparison to the new CPU's in the iMac, oh, and the whole 24" screen business, the mini update kind of pales in comparison.

    That said, I did buy one today from CompUSA! :D I was very surprised that they had them in already, they even got some of the new low end iMacs yesterday, no 24 inchers yet.

    So now my office will be pleasantly furnished with a new Mac mini, wireless keyboard and Mighty Mouse. Everyone else in the building runs Windows (although a few have ACD's), but it shouldn't be too difficult to convert them once they see my little powerhouse of a mini. My boss was already blown away when I showed it to him, he called in three other people to look at it.

    Fish in a barrel, my friends. ;)

    Mine: Dual 2.0 G5 PowerMac - survived lightning strike
    Wife: 1Ghz G4 iBook
    30gig iPod Video w/ IS
    Airport Express - didn't survive lightning Did you buy the 1.66 or 1.83 model? Would You Mind Comparative Testing It Against Your Dual 2 G5 Please? I need to know if it is in fact faster even at these slower speeds. I have a spare Dual 2 G5 here now I got at Fry's for $864.26 a few weeks ago. I need to know how it stacks up to a mini in performance.

    When I was at Fry's yesterday, I tried a few things on a 1.83 MacBook and found it to be much slower than I expected - I think slower than the dual 2 G5. What do you think? Can you put them side by side and run some comparisons?

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  • DTphonehome
    Jul 13, 11:07 PM
    I say no thanks. Optical storage is way too slow! Why should I pay $1000 to get a 33GB disc that is slow on accessing when I can spend WAY LESS and use another harddrive thats 300GB+ and rewritable, or buy a 100 pack of DVD-R's for $10? I for one dont see this HD-DVD / Bluray thing getting big anytime soon, and Im sure as hell not going to rebuy my DVD collection, higher res or no higher res, I mean hell... I dont even have an HD TV yet,too damn expensive!

    Apple - wait on this one please. Just put superdrives in everything and leave the combo drive in the past.

    Yeah! Since this guy doesn't want it, neither do the rest of us!

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  • Rocketman
    Nov 15, 09:46 AM
    From what I am reading so far, the real benefit of 8 cores in the real world of a minority of applications being truly well threaded, is the ability to run 2-4 large complicated programs simultaneously, multiple instances of programs (some have talked about running 4 copies of handbrake), and multiple OS's simultaneously.

    All those things also require vast amounts of memory as well, so a MacPro or X-serve is the only way to go now to addres 16GB+.

    Apple has always had memory crippled computers on the low end. If they could do ONE thing in the coming 64 bit world, I would ask them to make the motherboards at least be able to address FUTURE RAM options as the cost always drops rapidly and the requirements always seem to be predominantly ram based.


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  • regandarcy
    Apr 19, 12:20 PM
    Honestly with the new Quad Core MBP lineup it makes much more sense to get a monitor and add it to your notebook than to get an iMac. (Unless you really need 16GB of ram vs 8GB).

    I can see one day only having the Mac Pro for those of use that need one (video editing, digital creation etc) and the high-powered MBP for those who don't want a tower.

    The current apple cinema displays don't have a thunderbolt port. And actually I think the macbooks have more to fear from the ipads than the iMacs do from the macbooks. Also, there used to be a time not long ago, that artists ALWAYS went for the Mac pros over an iMac.....but that is not the case anymore. I know filmmakers, photographers, graphic artists and the like who've chosen the maxed out iMac instead of a Mac pro.

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  • v66jack
    Mar 1, 05:39 PM
    Some people have ridiculously tidy desks, wheres all your stuff? I wish I could keep my desk as tidy as most of the people on here!

    If your one of the people with stupidly tidy desks, does it genuinely look like that all the time? Or did you throw all the stuff on the floor, take the photo and throw it all back again?

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  • M-Life
    Aug 6, 10:41 PM
    Happy WWDC Eve everyone! May tomorrow bring you everything you wanted! :rolleyes: ;) :D


    I saw SJ at the mall a few weeks back and he let me sit on his lap and everything. I asked for a new mac mini media center and a football and he said he could get me one or the other, but not both.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 1, 10:55 PM
    Ok, I think the panics were caused by something I did, not the update, that is what I get for making too many changes at once, I'll have to test the configurations to see what caused them. All is well at the moment.

    Definitely the 12 core ;)

    I moved the 2 GPU machines to the basement where it is much cooler (I know the dust and spiders might kill them, but... hopefully no snakes...) and it is almost quiet upstairs now! The mac pro is soooo quiet! No other Mac that I remember having has been so quiet. I had to run the KVM and network cables between an air duct and the floor, it's kinda goofy but better than a new hole in the floor. Oh, and I accidentally created a network loop, not a good thing as it took me a while to fix. Downtime was only about 2 1/2 hrs, should have been less but I wasn't very well prepared; it was getting way too hot upstairs already.

    Oh. Well good luck with the configs.

    Good! 12 cores would be awesome! (24 logical cores).

    As long as you have a case on your machines. The spiders and dust shouldn't be too bad, just clean them once a month or so

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  • asphalt-proof
    Nov 28, 02:26 PM
    People forget that MS has dominated pretty much every market they enter. Whether it be PDAs, PC desktops, Office software suites, internet browsers, and gaming (did I miss any other markets?). Yes, in almost every instance, their initial products leave much to be desired(XBOX+Halo excepted) but they pretty much rose to the occasion and soon took over the market. Partly because their competitors don't respond to MS's moves. Zune, in its current iteration, does not scare me, but if Apple decides the status quo is cool, then the ZUne could become a force. However, I doubt that Apple will stay seated. Com'n iPhone, vPod, PodCar, whatever!!! :p

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  • aswitcher
    Aug 7, 03:42 AM
    I know! But this is special insider info I'm showing just to you, you can't let anyone else see it, you have to keep it a secret!

    Only 100 songs max I suppose ;)

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  • CplBadboy
    Apr 19, 01:16 PM

    The news Ive been waiting for and not a blinking boring update to the iPhone being white. Maxed out iMac here we come. Its been long time coming. Happy Chappy:D

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  • ingenious
    Apr 8, 12:53 PM
    I think he did. He said something like "okay, I've read the other side. Now can we go back to talking about my half baked misguided ideas?"

    ya i know but i was talking about when i put:

    Thats not true ! Ive been reading everyone's posts but you just don't want to see both sides of the story. I just want Apple to do better...

    Look at this business weekly online story about Apple - very interesting


    really, this is what Ive been taking about...I think that most Mac users don't want to hear it

    and this one too


    ok, YOU listen to "our side" of the story now!!!!! The point is, apple is NOT dying, they do not need saving, blah blah blah. just read the 100 posts above mine explaining this to you, but you refusing to listen. If you want apple to do better, then think that and leave the rest of us alone. I myself wouldn't mind having more of my contacts using a mac so i wouldn't have to do tech support for them all the time, but then again, that would cut down on people who force money on me for it.

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  • 63dot
    Nov 24, 07:40 PM
    Matix jeans, stretch fit.

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  • aricher
    Nov 27, 01:10 PM
    meh - does this matter? Isn't 17" is getting to be a bit skimpy by any consumer standards.

    Apr 19, 11:28 AM
    What's up with the consumer MacBook timeline?

    We've been waiting for its refresh. Are they just trying to make me jump at the bottom end MacBook Pro? (Of course they are!)

    I hereby request a MacBook rumor, end of the week at the latest. Please deliver. :-)

    Jan 12, 10:46 AM
    Take a look at this:


    Personaly i think it's fake, because of the non-capital letter on the begining of the second sentence... but who knows it could be true the disposition of the this so called macbook air is quite original and not in the tradicional way laptop upside down opened a little...

    It looks exactly like the 15 inch Macbook Pro. You can clearly make out the cd drive, the IR port for the remote and the button to release the screen.

    Jul 21, 08:20 AM
    So we are still not back upto Q1 2000 numbers? :eek:
    Except of course that Q1 is the Christmas quarter, not April to June :rolleyes:

    Mar 24, 12:07 PM
    Woulda been funnier if the conversation looked like this:

    Q: Apple killing iPod?
    Sent from my iPhone
    A: We have no plans to
    Sent from my HTC Hero

    I'd like to see a new Classic though, preferably before summer. I'm out of space and there's 40+ gigs in my iTunes that I can't sync to my pod. Don't want to go the whole summer without an updated pod.

    Mar 26, 09:33 PM
    Well, the US controls the AWACS so that kind of says the US still prolly running a big part of the show in reality. Also the tomahawks are flying arround too. I would doubt US command is taking orders from the Canadians. I wonder if the US is purposly trying to "hide their face" given the fact that much of the muslim world resents them for leading the past 2 wars.

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