вівторок, 31 травня 2011 р.

cute sayings for facebook status

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  • kmpoboy2
    Apr 10, 02:16 PM
    It's been 9 years since I own a car with a auto transmission. Both my cars are stick. I learned to drive manual on a motorcycle.

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  • Philberttheduck
    Nov 29, 08:30 PM
    What'll be the price on this badboy, you think?

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  • DavidLeblond
    Sep 1, 12:55 PM
    if this turns out to be true, here's my prediction on the pricing:

    17" is stripped down and relegated to "emac" status and sells at a $999 price point

    20" sells for $1299 or $1399

    23" sells for $1699 or MAYBE $1799 at the most

    Wishful thinking (both yours and mine).

    Not gonna happen.

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  • Tonsko
    Jan 7, 10:29 AM
    I'm hanging onto my MkIV (daily driver) for now - in the vain hope that it will eventually start to go up in value. What's your read on that? What makes me think that is that they will be a future classic, and that there were only 2000-odd brought into the UK in the first place. I could just be pissing in the wind, however. :D

    Having said that, the fuel cost is a sting. The g/f has also decided she wants to be driven to the church in it on our wedding day. Haha!

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  • stevehp
    Oct 23, 08:23 AM
    please let this be true. I've had enough of waiting and these posts are too much to handle every week!

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  • treblah
    Aug 6, 09:46 PM
    I became a hard core Mac user after Panther was released. I was wondering if Apple took stabs at Microsoft when they were introducing Panther. :confused:

    They did at WWDC '04 (when Tiger was introduced) with slogans like "Redmond, Start Your Photocopiers" and the word "Longhorn" in the Spotlight search field. ;)

    cute sayings for facebook status. Cute Sayings; Facebook Status
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  • Zadillo
    Oct 23, 01:18 PM
    Apple needs to get away from making such a big deal our of small updates (processor change) as Intel will have such things changing more often than motorola or ibm ever did. apple should reserve such announcements and hoopla for major revisions or complete overhauls. based on recent benchmarks there is little performance improvement in these new chips save for the speed bump.

    How exactly is Apple making a big deal out of small updates? The recent processor updates Apple has done (Core Duo to Core 2 Duo on the iMac and the speedbumped Core Duos on the MBP earlier this year) were quiet launches, with no announcements or hoopla at all really. The only real hoopla with the iMac was about the 24" screen, but it was certainly subdued. Hell, Apple made a bigger deal out of the Apple Hi-Fi.

    The only people making a big deal out of it are ourselves.

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  • AppleCode
    Nov 24, 05:32 PM
    My Fav Colour

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  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 11:00 AM
    As much as i love ipod and apple rumors it is getting stressful and frustrating that we hear these rumors every damn week and nothing comes out of them. Last week we had the iphone, the week before we had the 2nd part of the none touch stuff it just goes on and on and its peeing me off, im begining to doubt wherther there will ever be a phone or touchscreen thing.

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  • asdf542
    Apr 12, 09:49 PM
    Well I really can't judge it until I'm actually able to touch and use it myself, but from the looks, they've gone consumer. *here's hoping for the best* I really want it to work... but Adobe is looking better by the day.

    They've gone consumer because the UI is something modern and not something ripped out of the 90's like the last Final Cut was? :rolleyes:

    cute sayings for facebook status. cute sayings for facebook
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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 08:53 PM
    And in the process threw 50 years of video editing out the window.

    50 years ago there were no computers. If you want to go back to the moviola, nobody is stopping you. You seem to think that sticking with outdated metaphors is inherently somehow better.

    Great if you've never edited before, but if you want to edit, iMovie isn't an option. If you want to slap together a super quick video, it's almost faster to cut and paste clips in a QT7 window then use iMovie now.

    You may have never used iMovie but it is foolish to assume that none of us have. That idea that you can't edit in iMovie is nonsense, and absurd on the face of it.

    cute sayings for facebook status. cute sayings for facebook
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  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Feb 23, 09:26 AM

    Elegant setup. What speaker is that?

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  • imac_japan
    Mar 21, 09:21 AM
    Please sign it !! For our sakes



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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 19, 11:56 AM
    Must we get involved in this? Can't France do something for once by themselves, or any other european nations for that matter? When was the last time they even fired a weapon? You know, the taliban were once known as freedom fighters too. I'm so sick of these countries, let them self destruct, maybe some day they will choose to civilize themselves. Please, no more US to the rescue, and then they all wonder why many Americans have a feeling of exceptionalism. :rolleyes:

    Umm kind of hard to do this with out the US and its military power. My understanding is the US it mostly going to provide support for it but not as much of the combat forces. The support being things like aerial refueling as we have the most of those flying gas tanks. They will circle over the Mediterranean Sea refueling planes going to and from missions. Kind of key to extend the range of the fighters and Fighter bombers.

    Other thing the US I believe will provide is cruise missals as that they can launch from the Mediterranean Sea. This mostly to take out the Air Defenses. They might provide a few bombers to help take out artillery
    US is not taking the lead. But is providing support. US is going to have the other countries really provide most of the planes needed for this.

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  • cute sayings for facebook status. cute love quotes for facebook; cute love quotes for facebook. alphaod. Jun 10, 10:51 AM

  • mike423
    Nov 24, 09:40 PM
    Crystal Head Vodka for turkey day.

    So far the thanksgiving at your place is the best one.....

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  • cute sayings for facebook status. cute love quotes for facebook; cute love quotes for facebook. Kalns. Mar 25, 12:29 PM. http://folding.stanford.edu/

  • generik
    Sep 8, 07:06 PM
    Number of posts in this thread seem to indicate that this update has been underwhelming

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  • celo48
    Apr 3, 07:56 AM
    I like the ad. At least it does not end like this.

    "If you don't have an iPad, then you don't have an iPad."

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  • FrenchMac
    Jan 12, 08:28 AM
    The most obvious reason behind the name MacBook Air for me is the removal of the wired Ethernet connector to the MacBook. There is two thing that prevent from making a very slim notebook: an optical drive and an ethernet connector (look at the ethernet connector on a MacBook, it take most of the height of the notebook).

    So the MacBook Air would be the first Apple notebook having only a wireless connection...

    And I agree that it will be made of aluminium...


    cute sayings for facebook status. cute sayings for facebook status. cute love quotes for facebook; cute love quotes for facebook. cokirex. Nov 12, 03:39 PM. ha! i actually bought this cd off
  • cute sayings for facebook status. cute love quotes for facebook; cute love quotes for facebook. cokirex. Nov 12, 03:39 PM. ha! i actually bought this cd off

  • eswank
    Nov 23, 08:56 PM
    Bought my fianc�e the iPhone 4 and will buy a new iPod Touch on Black Friday (buy it either at Toys R Us or Walmart to get a $50 gift card) so that we can Facetime while I'm out on my deployment.



    Apr 26, 01:15 PM
    anyone else getting a little bit fed up of apples lawsuits?

    Only if it's Apple being sued. Remember, when Apple sues, they are just protecting their intellectual property. Only when another company sues Apple is it frivolous and annoying and a case of where the plaintiffs are just trying to ride Apple's coattails. :rolleyes:

    If you read the forums, it's very clear: lawsuits are only valid if Apple is the plaintiff.

    Apr 2, 07:22 PM
    Great concept, I love it. But it was poorly executed. Who picked the music for this ad? It's terrible. And the voiceover is on the verge of creepy.

    I miss old Apple ads. Their advertising is going downhill while their products keep getting better.

    Hey Jude
    Apr 10, 04:25 PM
    I currently drive a manual transmission car and I prefer them over automatics, but the traffic situation is pretty bad where I live, so my next car will probably be an automatic.

    Sep 18, 05:51 PM
    I got the silicone case today, but then I also decided to go with Belkin Grip Vue.
    Silicone case - quite nice and fits well with the iPod Touch.


    Is that an actual Belkin Silicon case ?

    Feb 27, 01:39 AM

    I finally got a new chair. My 7 year old awesome chair sits up in my bedroom making an awesome tv chair now. :D

    Since the theme lately is "Show how your desk REALLY looks!" this one has a pile of papers on the desk and some random chair assembly stuff laying around as my mother bought a chair too! lol. :D

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