неділя, 22 травня 2011 р.

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  • Dunepilot
    Jul 28, 09:24 AM
    [QUOTE=rekahs]surely if you look at it that way the ipod is in the position the 360 is in and the zune is like the wii.


    Except that the wii is being marketed on the basis that it will bring something innovative to the table. If there's one thing Microsoft doesn't understand, its innovation/ease of use/elegance.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 16, 06:55 AM
    Uh please.

    It's great that Google bought Android but there's a very few things google have done on their own.

    Uh please.

    Google has done a helluva lot to Android since they bought it. Android is unrecognisable now to what it was in 05. They have simply bought a brand name to get their product popular.

    In other words, you are talking rubbish sir. Stop accusing people of trolling, when they are simply telling it how it is.

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  • fozy
    Sep 30, 10:02 AM
    It's really unbelievable that you see so many iPhones in NYC, I was there recently for three days and received only a couple calls, most of them went to voicemail, also data service was out for hours at a time.

    This poor service really stands out when you live in a small market with 3G service where the phone works acceptably well.

    AT&T has a problem. I've been a customer for many years. Most of my family are AT&T customers. We all live in different parts of the country and we all experience the same problems. Very frequent, way too frequent, dropped calls. I know the naysayers and apologists here say to give AT&T a break. They are experiencing growing pains. Here's what I have to say.

    First of all, my iPhone is a Phone! I expect the phone part of the iPhone to work above all else. It's nice to have the apps but I expect the phone to work 100% of the time. That's what I'm paying for. If AT&T needs to figure out a way to throttle down the data then that's what they need to do during peak usage. Phone calls should be the priority for a phone! I still have a Gen 1 iPhone and will not upgrade until AT&T resolves their problems. When I get tired of waiting for that to happen and my iPhone dies, I'll switch phones and networks.

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 22, 04:11 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/22/iphone-5-details-3-7-inch-screen-home-button-with-gesture-area/)



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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 28, 11:39 AM
    Are people still thinking this is coming out next week? There haven't been any other updates since this story was released and I'm starting to doubt it's going to happen on Tuesday. I'd love to know what GPU the 27" is going to have.

    iMac is due, but having doubts about next Tues now since Apple is still shipping current models within 24 hours.

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  • donlphi
    Jul 27, 03:39 AM
    I think Apple Marketing thinks they're slick with their blatant patent advertising/marketing to create buzz on potential new products. I think its fairly lame.

    How is getting people in Blogs to react to something "LAME"?

    I love the fact that Apple gets the world excited about new products that are coming in the future (or not coming). I love the idea of being kept in the dark until the release date. I love checking back on this site and other sites to see what the predictions are. I even love it when there is a slight let down because what I thought was coming, didn't make it.

    APPLE doesn't have much in a choice about keeping patents secret. We (the over-curious consumers) are the ones making all the hype for them.

    I don't see Steve Jobs thinking, "YES... now all we need to do is up our advertising by coming out with a new PATENT!!!"

    That is rediculous. Sure, he knows there are losers out there that have nothing better to do than sit in their home and research stuff like that so they can be the first ones to post it in their blog, but I doubt they sit around and think about how this helps advertising.

    If nothing else, I would think they do not want these patents to be talked about because they want consumers to purchase the products that are out now, not WAIT AROUND for the better product to come out. LOOK at powermac sales as they switched to intel. The average consumer doesn't look at this sight, they just go to BEST BUY and see what item cost the least amount of money.

    I think after this CREATIVE lawsuit and countersuit mess, they are just making sure they have everything covered if they are going to stay on top.

    "BLATANT PATENT ADVERTISING" - it's like saying a woman that is 9 months pregnant is BLATANTLY ADVERTISING she is about to have a baby.

    Anybody that is paying attention is going to notice!

    Other than that... I agree with everything you said.


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  • backupdrummer
    Jul 10, 10:49 AM
    For me to upgrade iWork it will need to have some pretty killer features. I do like a different view for Pages as the alway layout view can be very annoying when you just want something simple.

    One of my biggest gripes with Pages is when you select Blank page it still populates it with fields like header that drives me crazy.

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  • colgate13
    Jul 14, 01:19 PM
    As someone making the switch from the PC to Mac world because of the iPod, I'd say Apple is on the upswing here. At least 3 friends of mine have made the switch as well.

    I'd say plenty of people are beginning to realize there is a world besides Microsoft out there and the iPod is the ambassador of all of this. Speaking for myself but maybe others, once I go over to Mac, I'm not going back. So as long as Apple and the iPod stay relevant, I think you're going to see iPod users stick with their iPods and also buy Macs next time around.

    iPod Killer? Not even worth the time to put it down. For this arena, the tables are turned, and the person trying to preach the gospel of some Microsoft music player will sound like the Apple nuts I used to scratch my head at in 1998. Microsoft would have to do something complete revolutionary to change these dynamics, and I think they're too much of a behemoth to pull that one off.


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  • iMacx
    Apr 13, 07:50 PM
    Who cares anymore?

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  • Don't panic
    Apr 26, 03:59 PM
    so it's plutonius with 5.
    hopefully you guys are right (although that would make me and appleguy prime suspects).

    what are the little arrows next to the quote button?


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  • Naimfan
    Apr 28, 03:02 PM
    Is there no duty to report a crime?

    Short answer: No.

    Longer answer: There is no general duty to report a crime, although in highly specific circumstances, reporting may be statutorily required. For example, a therapist is required to report child abuse, as are teachers, etc. Prosecutions under such laws for failure to report are extremely rare and almost never successful--the prosecution would have to prove the person knew the crime in question was being committed, which is very difficult to do.

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  • blahblah100
    Apr 29, 02:56 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

    How so? Why would there need to be some explaining, if this was the case?


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  • PlaceofDis
    Oct 23, 09:02 AM
    So this is true?? I suppose this isn't any different than Apple saying that you can't run Mac OS X on non-Apple hardware, is it?

    yes its true for running things like parallels, Boot Camp however is just fine with all editions of Vista, afaik

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  • IEatApples
    Aug 15, 02:00 PM
    More important than an "empty" button I would like to see a restore function in the Trash, where you can highlight one or more files or folders and click the "restore" button.I want a way to see how much space the trash is taking up before I empty it. Is there a way? There was in OS 9 and OS 8.


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  • dukebound85
    May 2, 02:19 AM
    What about those who lost their lives in 9/11? They probably deserved to live, but can you give them life back?


    Like I said - the world needed him alive, and I wish they had just captured him instead. Nothing constructive comes out of cheering over somebody else's death.

    Um, are you not the same person who applauded the Columbine shootings and wished you had the balls to do something similar back in the day?:rolleyes:

    I remember that thread very well before it was moderated...so forgive me if I do not share the same opinion as you

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  • redAPPLE
    Dec 29, 02:56 PM


    i hear a chair screaming for help.


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  • Aquaduck04
    May 4, 08:58 AM
    Wait, tell me what the source is again? A CSR via a forum member?? Gotta be joking..

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  • derek1984
    Apr 13, 01:59 PM
    Touchscreen TV?!?

    Panasonic owns Pioneer KURO technology. I won't hold my breath for this even if it does become true.

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  • little.pm
    Apr 14, 07:35 AM
    Nano. Like, obviously.

    Seems like everyone forgot about the somewhat recent rumors about a smaller iphone. (Ok, just kidding.)

    Maybe apple wants the rumor mill to get up to speed as they want to introduce anything but nobody got a hint or has a clue yet. Total disclosure is bad, but no rumors is even worse.


    I just have Macs, in various sizes. All run on Darwin.

    Apr 14, 11:12 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5309/5620540991_9d7f8ab436_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/61246410@N06/5620540991/)

    Countess Psy
    Oct 28, 04:41 AM
    I was going to wish for world peace yet I'm sure it's unattainable so I'd settle for this :D


    Apr 22, 01:52 PM
    So we agree that their lawsuit isn't "a specific claim against a specific model". ;)

    No. They made specific claims against specific models. It's just that a few of the claims are against lines of products. But others are much more specific.

    Jul 12, 07:28 PM
    I'm at a loss trying to figure out how this thread got a bit crazy...

    The actual program used in Snowy's case matters little in getting it ready for the printer. You give the printer the file to print, and he/she will print it for you. Doesn't matter if it's a pdf from Word, a pdf from Pages, a doc from Word, an Indesign file, or a Quark Express file. If they can open the file, they can print it.

    Again, most copy shops have elaborate folding, binding, stapling, and saddle stitching services that don't require the customer to figure out how to non-sequentually order pages. A skilled copy machine operator should be able to set up the job in less than 10 minutes.

    Oct 21, 10:06 PM
    I spoil myself rotten during the year, which usually leaves me with nothing of interest for the holidays.

    1) So like last year, clothes are the main thing on my list. Just essential everyday type stuff from J.Crew.

    2) A nice road bike would be a plus, too. ;)
    I typed in road bike on google images and this one looks swell.
    http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/5018/bikeyc.jpg (http://img828.imageshack.us/i/bikeyc.jpg/)

    3) And lastly, acceptance into a nice graduate program.

    Thanks santa!

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