вівторок, 24 травня 2011 р.

oprah winfrey house pictures inside

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  • Tonezorz
    May 4, 09:28 PM
    So now this is an email you received? An AT&T rep actually put it in writing? Is this what you're now saying?

    Where this got "off track" or rather on the track it should've been on in the first place is that clearly if your upgrade was pushed back it was from any number of things people have posted about for years now on the matter: bill payment, length of being a customer, level of account, etc... Really, this comes up every year.

    Your story is making less and less sense, and here's where actually thinking first comes in handy:

    If a customer service rep told you that the iPhone had been delayed then either this was public knowledge, thus why forward the email to MacRumors, or this wasn't public knowledge, thus why would a first contact customer rep even know this let alone say anything about it?

    Sorry if it seems like I, and others, are jumping on you, but your story is BS, and you either know it, or should know it. Take a look at the coverage it's gotten. It's on most of the Apple coverage sites including some read by investors and analysts.

    Do we really need news being polluted with this? If you're an honest person, you should now, confronted with logic, common sense, and the actual truth, contact those who picked up your story.

    Clearly your upgrade wasn't delayed because of the iPhone being released later, and you know it.

    Now we're getting somewhere. I hadn't realized nor did I ever intend this situation to be construed as "They moved my upgrade date due to the iPhone delay."

    I'll paste below, while removing the names involved, the original email correspondence between myself and the AT&T representative. This is an original email reply to a support form submission on the AT&T site.

    Original Message Follows:
    Contact and Verification Information
    Topic: I have a question about my contract
    Subtopic: Contract expiration

    Q2:Enter your contract expiration question below:
    A2:I'm curious as to why my upgrade date used to be 6/18 of this year, when now it's moved to 11/19? I've ugpraded three years in a row now when the new iPhone has been released. This year, assuming they launch around the same timeframe (June/July) I won't be able to? Some clarification would be great.


    And the response:

    Dear Mr. *****,

    Thank you for taking the time to e-mail AT&T to advise that your upgrade date was 6/18/11, but now when you check, you see that it has been moved to 11/19/11 and want to know why this has occurred. I apologize for the frustration this has caused. My name is *****, and I am happy to help you with your inquiry.

    Unfortunately, we are not given a reason when the upgrade date changes on a line. Equipment discounts are made available from time to time based on a number of factors: service tenure, spending levels, payment history, usage practices and time frame since last equipment discount. Generally, a line is eligible to upgrade every 17 to 21 months, but frequently offers are made to the primary line on an account to do this earlier based on the factors above. The upgrade offer is also based on a three-month average of the billed rate plan and data services per line and eligibility is generally re-evaluated every three months or so as well and sometimes the dates do change. I apologize that this affected you and for any frustration and inconvenience it has caused.

    Apple has informed us that they do not plan to release the iPhone in the June to July timeframe, though there will be a newer version in the future. Unfortunately, we have not been given a release time for the new phone. We will release this information on our website when it is available to us.

    Mr. *****, I am sorry that I could not give you a more definite answer, but hope that the information provided has been helpful. Should you have additional concerns or questions about this issue please reply to this email. If you need to contact us again regarding a new issue please send us another email via the contact link through your online account. Again, my name is *****, and I thank you for being a valued AT&T customer for several years. We appreciate your business and will do our best to ensure that your wireless experience is a success.

    I encourage you to visit our web site (www.att.com/wireless) often to view current and previous monthly statements, make payments and to shop for new product and service offerings.


    Online Customer Care Professional

    Again, all I've left out is my mobile number and our names. The article here on MacRumors is both precise in labeling this as a rumor, and warns against believing the statements of support personell. Also, I don't believe in any way that it suggests an iPhone delay was the cause of my upgrade date change.

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  • Plutonius
    Apr 21, 11:12 AM
    It's good to see you in the game Jav.

    Aggie and Jav nice to one another == One or both are WW.
    Aggie and Jav mean to one another == Neither are WW.


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  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 11:26 AM
    This is fun.
    Yes, the iPhone does compete against Android. The last time I went into a AT&T or Verizon store, this was obvious. To say that the iPhone does not compete against Android is silly.

    WRONG. iPhone = hardware. Android = software.
    iOS competes against Android.

    Because there is only two hardware choices, the iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS. Making this argument is so empty, in that it does not take into account the reasons behind it.

    WRONG. The choice is iPhone OR any Android phone OR any Win7 Phone OR any RIM phone, etc.

    Hello Mr. Straw man. The article was about iPhone; if you read it it states "covering U.S. mobile phone sales". Now, if by mobile OS, you are also adding in the iPad, that is debatable. I've been a iPad 3G owner since April 30th and I can tell you that I do not consider the iPad a mobile device. Sure, its easy to carry, but to lump in its sales with phone handset sales is a stretch. If you are making that stretch, how about adding netbooks into the mix as well?

    If those netbooks ran Android, I'd count them. But they don't. And YOU'RE bringing up straw men? Phone versus non-phone makes no difference if they're running the same OS and same apps.

    When your sales numbers for phones are ~50% of that of your competitor; whereas a few years ago they were barely a blip, then yes that means they are getting kicked in the teeth in handset OS sales.

    In your mind maybe. But only in your mind.

    PS: Handset OS sales? What the hell does that mean?

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  • Tonewheel
    Apr 22, 05:36 PM
    There is no way it could be that thin.

    I agree with you. The first thing I thought of was the battery. Unless Apple has made miraculous strides with reeeeeaaaaallly thin batteries, this design would mean about 45 minutes of juice.


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  • shecky
    Oct 24, 07:56 AM
    one thing i am very pleased about is that the stock 17" has all the specs i need (i will get more RAM elsewhere, not from apple, and not yet) 2GB RAM, 160GB HD, 2.33 C2D so now i do not have to CTO from apple, i can just go buy it in store.

    the only things i wish for more of would be a higher-end video card and easy access HD bay. other than that i am pleased.

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  • Hattig
    Mar 31, 11:41 AM
    I hope the gratuitous orange UI can be turned off. Especially that stitching. And get rid of the torn paper too, sheesh. Talk about taking a metaphor too far.

    At least give an option for a black or dark brown dyed leather effect - who would buy a mid-70s style tan leather thing these days?

    It's one thing on an iPad where it's full screen and it's like holding a real calendar in your hand. It's not the same on a computer monitor. And I can't doodle on the blank bits of paper either.

    It might be nice to integrate event invitations in Apple Mail with Apple Calendar too, without that intermediate 'save to downloads folder' step. Sure, there's 'smart filters' that can pick out the date in the email too but they're not immediately obvious. In fact, Mail and Calendar integration is rather poor overall.


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  • astewart
    Nov 4, 04:31 PM
    I can't seem to get the VMWare Tools to install after the "Guest" OS has loaded. I select "Install VMWare Tools" from the Menubar but nothing happens.
    Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?

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  • Corey Grandy
    Sep 12, 09:36 PM
    I actually get a half-green, half-passion tea lemonade. Try it. It's good. :)

    Corey, that dog is adorable. What breed?

    Thank you :)
    He is a Toy American Eskimo (Eskimo/German/American Spitz).

    Not Japanese, I'm dumb :)


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  • ChrisGonzales90
    Jun 6, 09:05 PM
    As usual American's (yeah I'm American) love to blame someone for their own responsibility. It's so weird how people on here fight for freedom from the lockdowns that Apple puts on it's developers, freedoms from the limitations and restrictions Apple puts on the iPhone (hence why people jailbreak). Yet when a parent doesn't take accountability for their absence of judgement and legal obligation to be responsible for their child, everyone goes off on Apple for not having the protections in place to prevent this?

    There are so many hypocrites in this country, probably because nobody wants to take accountability for their own actions. What if it were a gun. If the parent left it on the night stand with a bullet in it, and the kid picked it up and shot & killed someone, would you all be blaming the maker of the gun? No, you'd be going after the parents for failure to supervise their kid which led to actions causing someone's death.

    So why is it different here?

    IT'S NOT.

    I always love to bring that up at those Mcdonalds debates.

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  • newrigel
    Jul 14, 09:30 AM
    Before this comes out, Apple is going to have to let consumers know that they make the iPod. Not Microsoft.

    Some people may think it's the new iPod, judging by the picture on engadget, and this thread/article posted earlier (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=191119) saying that most people don't know the iPod is made by Apple.

    If people think this 'Micropod' is the new iPod it could be over for Apple, unless they release something at the same time.

    BTW, about the picture posted on engadget, the buttons look '3G iPodish'. Maybe Microsoft is going to try and play catch up with MP3 players now :p edit: missed bcharna's post
    OK, and were not on planet earth hehe... If people are that stupid then the worlds definitely gone for sure!
    C'mon, apple will adhere to wireless USB technology and you can have your WIFI... could you imagine how long it will take to get high def audio files into it? I listen to 16 bit AIFF's @ 48 Khz and they are big files, this would take forever on a WIFI protocol. This is for the kids man!


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  • milbournosphere
    Apr 28, 05:09 PM
    This is one of those threads that enforces the Apple fanboi stereotype. It's 1mm. That's it. Steve Jobs is not out to kill your children anymore than he is to fleece you on your white iPhone purchase, and the typical person won't even notice anyway. Can we all move along now?

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  • commander.data
    May 3, 08:25 AM
    Did Canadian prices actually go down? The 27-inch: 3.1GHz is only $1999, when I think it was $2099 before the refresh.
    It'd be nice to have price parity with USD given the strength of our dollar. I think that's achieved in the new iMacs, but the MacBook Pros are still unadjusted.


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  • tigres
    Apr 15, 08:50 PM
    Hmmm. Can't get iPad updated, says that not compatible with the build.

    Nice. :confused:

    Too tired to even troubleshoot longer.
    But for anyone who wants to give me a tip.

    I restarted both iPad and iMac.
    Deleted and Re downloaded ipsw
    Hard reset iPad
    No dice. Never JB btw.

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  • jav6454
    Apr 14, 01:00 PM
    As always, jailbreakers should not update to this software... it is an obvious release to patch up PwnageTool exploit.


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  • cadillac1234
    Apr 13, 02:44 PM
    Apple doesn't currently produce their own displays now why would they wade into the low-margin muck that is the display market?

    As a lot of others have said licensing Airplay to display producers makes the most sense

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  • robkot
    Apr 22, 04:27 PM
    It is know that apple has serval prototype iPhones. This is interesting at the least but seeing 3G at the top kinda sucks. We need a 4g faster device.


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  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 5, 12:56 AM
    So let me get this straight: You keep reinstalling the demo of Parallels, thereby ripping off the company and not supporting it to make it the best product it can be and keep the company in business, and then you have the gall to come out in public and say as such, and then on top of that you have the even greater gall to say it sucks?

    Oh yeah, your opinions mean a lot to us now, that's for sure.


    I'll reiterate: something is wrong with your computer, and now I can see why.


    No I've been waiting for VM to get their butt in gear to launch Workstation. Parallels was simply a work around, a crappy one at that, until I could get VMWare. There is simply no way in heck I'm spending $80 on a piece of software that can crash my system. And before someone tells me to use Bootcamp. Yah right. Advanced Power Management does not work right under Bootcamp even with the latest version. When Parallels starts making a product that
    1. Doesn't crash\freeze my system
    2. Doesn't require me to force quite the application once every couple of weeks because the progress bar when I'm suspending a session has stalled.
    3. Doesn't have sharing between folders that takes a good 5 seconds to parse the files and doesn't drop a file mapping in your file explorer.
    4. Doesn't have the world's crappiest networking passthrough. I can't count how many times I've gone from one network to another to another and had it get confused telling me I might have limited network connectivity. So I need to repair the connection.

    Parallels sucks but until now its been the only REAL game in town. Boo hoo I'm not paying for an app that IMHO is half baked to begin with. :rolleyes: At least I'm not outright going in search of a seral number and pirating the thing. Again its a tide me over until VM gets their butt in gear and releases this thing.

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  • louis Fashion
    Apr 26, 03:01 PM
    Originally Posted by Darlo770
    Should have bloody known >

    Originally Posted by louis Fashion
    Well they won't be charging me.

    You wouldn't consider paying $20 per YEAR?

    No, I pay Verizon, I pay COMCAST, I have my music on my iPods/iPad/Imacs another monthly fee is just one bridge too far. If you need it/want it bless you. I have to draw the line somewhere

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  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 01:29 AM
    wireless (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wi-Max whatever)? I used to think that this was a cool thing to have in an iPod. an iPod with internet radio capability sounds like a really cool idea. I'm lukewarm about now.

    I'm not. What would I like to see from Apple? What would my ideal iPod be like? Let's explore the possibilities.

    Bluetooth-headphones. This would kick ass. No more wires that get tangled up. And it CAN be done!

    Large touch-screen. No separate controls, the controls would be right in the display (like in the image that was linked before in this thread).

    And before you say "but there would be fingerprints on the screen! And it wouldn't provide any tactile feedback!". Ah, but how about that "no-touch" controls that have been rumored? I have no idea that is it really possible, but what if? You could simply hover you finger 1cm from the screen and use the controls. No fingerprints. As to the tactile feedback.... Tactile feedback is used that you know where the controls are without actually looking at the screen. "No-touch" UI does not have this, because you aren't actually touching anything. So how do we make this work? Well, what if you could just put your finger close to the screen ANYWHERE on the screen. If you do circlular motion (like in current iPod) the device would scroll, adjust volume, and do the other things you can do on the current iPod. If you move your finger straigh up, it would be equivaltnof clicking "menu". Straight down would be play/pause and so forth.

    As to WLAN and the like.... What if the new iPod could be tied to iChat? You could VOIP to/from the iPod. just turn on the wireless, and browse to the "buddy list" menu on your iPod, and you are all set. Hell, the iPod could have a camera as well! if they can put video-cameras on phones, is there any reason why iPod couldn't have one?

    if we assume that the "no-touch" UI is possible, then nothing I have listed is impossible. iPod with those specs would be YEARS ahead of any other device on the market! It would absolutely embarrass all the other devices.

    Apr 22, 07:46 AM
    Look, Windows Media Player stole iTunes "look and feel", and method of starting playback of media content, sue em' Apple!


    Looks completely different to me. ;)

    Apr 14, 07:43 AM
    Apple TV or iPod Nano

    Aug 15, 08:40 PM
    The Expos� in Spaces screenshot is wild...

    And agree with Chundles that until we see ALL of Leopard's features listed, there's no way you can make a valid purchase decision on it.

    Understand, I am not suggesting how you should spend your money. This is just another opinion. But, I have been through all the 'cats' from the .0 release on. I have never had reason to complain.

    Apple may not be perfect, but they sure beat the pants off Brand X. I have been working in IT since 1981. I have spent the vast majority of time with Workstations and PC's. These include every incarnation of DOS and Windows, SPARC/Sun, SGI/MIPS, OS/2, and the IBM RS-6000 Series. I am a late arrival to Apple/Macs. In fact, it was somewhat by accident. But, I am now convinced OSX is the finest desktop OS ever made. Until this no longer the case, I will throw my support fully behind the most innovative HW/SW manufacturer in the world. I would gladly pay full price for a beta copy of Leopard right now.

    Oct 26, 09:58 PM
    I want world peace and everybody in the world be safe, fed and loved.

    I'm only kidding. I want my well-deserved anal.

    Dec 2, 02:59 AM
    To be honest, I kind of have everything I want. (mainly my Mac and phone). I think for Christmas I would like a few hundred bucks (just incase I wanted to buy something) and certainly a new watch, which I might end up buying myself before then.

    LOL same here; Finally got a mac after begging my parents for 3+ years.... ended up buying it myself :). And I have my Blackberry; so there's actually nothing I want this christmas. And if I did end up wanting anything I'd buy it myself sooo.... nope there's nothing :cool:

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