вівторок, 24 травня 2011 р.

map of iceland volcanoes

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  • Mord
    Apr 24, 02:42 PM
    Why are you trying to turn the assault into bullying / an LGBT hate crime? I know MacRumors PRSI is obsessed with the issue, but there's no evidence for it.

    Other than, you know, all the evidence, such as the verbal abuse that was filmed, the witnesses.

    You think these girls decided to attack this girl out of love? No, they were bullies who picked out a vulnerable target they felt they could take.

    From what I understand:

    - transgendered guy walks into the women's restroom at a ghetto McD
    - a couple of women in the restroom see him peeing while standing up and/or his penis
    - they feel threatened and freak out
    - beating ensues

    I don't want to blame the victim nor do I think the beating was in any way justified, but if I were a transgendered guy, I would not be going to the women's room in the ghetto when there are hood rats around.

    That's pretty much exactly what you're doing.

    She's a transgendered woman. Suggesting she use the mens is inappropriate.

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  • mljones99
    Jan 29, 11:21 PM
    Just pre-ordered LA Noire for the PS3.


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  • KingYaba
    Aug 16, 03:37 AM
    I think I like the brushed metal look much better. :(

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  • MacVibe
    Apr 13, 07:28 PM
    Right on schedule!


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  • aafuss1
    Aug 15, 11:34 PM
    Where's drag and drop tabs in Safari-Firefox has that.

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  • lifeofart
    Jul 12, 06:02 PM
    You know, that's a good idea.

    Here I was so caught up in the idea of getting it to be a final version, I didn't even think of that. Let the machines that are designed to do this do the work....

    (I'm not even going to dignify the other snide poster with a response :rolleyes: )

    I'm sorry if my comment came off as being snide.

    But it really bothers me when people post how wonderful an app is and how useful it is and how it completely replaces a much more expensive app. When in reality it is only a simple consumer level product.

    Others read this forum and buy Pages thinking that they can eliminate the use of Word. Then they find out that it really isn't that compatible with Word files. If you email a windows user a .doc file exported from pages, 7 times out of 10 they have problems with it.

    Most pro printshops, publishers, law firms etc. only except word .doc files. Almost all law firms require a revision history. Collaboration tools are useally also required. Word handles this expertly. Plus it has table of contents tools, book publishing tools, bibliography tools, direct faxing,multitudes of custom templates, VB programing hooks, etc. etc. None of this has an equivalent in Pages.

    I'm glad you found a solution to your problem and I am glad that Pages satisfies your needs for word processing. Maybe someday it will move out of the "consumer" ranks and into the "Pro" ranks when more functionality is added. Apple seems to know the niche that they are addressing very well.


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  • likemyorbs
    May 2, 12:37 AM
    I think we should preserve his body and burn it at the site of ground zero this 9/11! How's that for a 10 year anniversary celebration?

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  • Chundles
    Oct 24, 08:42 AM
    The last round of iMacs are supposed to have new airport extremes that can be firmware upgraded to 802.11N. This is based upon a finding whilst using bootcamp and windowsXP/Vista(?). With Apples special TV thingy coming out next year (Steve Jobs announced at WWDC) all Macs really need wireless faster than G so it makes sense to upgrade them all to "n". So I strongly suspect the latest macbok pros have it - and it will be enabled next year.

    Well, they don't really need wireless faster than G as G has enough raw throughput to handle media streaming. What they need is a G network protocol that would be robust enough to avoid interference and prioritise media streaming. This can be added in a firmware update to ALL Airport Extreme enabled Macs - much better than limiting iTV to only the newest of the new.


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  • applextrent
    Oct 2, 03:39 AM
    Only 30%?

    In Orange County California I honestly have about a 60% dropped call rate.

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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 22, 01:57 AM
    What is apple complaining about

    I think this is a lawsuit its best for everyone to avoid.


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  • odedia
    Jul 25, 01:30 AM
    Laser tracking is excellent. I use the Logitech MX1000 and it's perfect.

    However, the real problem with the mighty mouse is not the technology, it's the materials. The plastic is too "sticky" to work with, so when moving the mouse the feeling is not smooth. They should change the substances to allow a better flow of the mouse on a given surface.

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  • EugenexYew
    Apr 29, 02:52 AM
    Technically, Apple DOES have a smallprint at the bottom of the page which reads:
    Actual size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.


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  • okwhatev
    Apr 14, 11:48 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iBooks appears broken with the 4.3.2 redsnow jailbreak. Anyone else see this? Everything else runs fine, and like everyone else has commented, it seems snappier.

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  • Mistrblank
    Apr 12, 10:06 AM
    Hmmm. I was fully convinced that dethmaShine was being totally sarcastic with his posts. Seemed obvious to me.

    But I see that 5 other posters don't think so. Those are some pretty big odds...5/1...am I really right?

    Yeah, I still think I am. :p

    Edit: 7 now!

    I've read the post over again and if that was sarcasm, he's bad at it and should stop. Sarcasm on forums is bad form to begin with, the medium does not convey the emphasis appropriately.

    Regardless, there are people that believe EXACTLY what he was extolling and they're sadly the sheep that marketting of the Android manufacturers have captured.


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  • louis Fashion
    May 4, 11:04 AM
    Disappointing, but expected. This actually brings up more questions than answers though:

    1) Is this a permanent move to a Fall Release of the iPhone?

    2) When, if ever, are they going to unite the CDMA and GSM iPhone releases (possibly in iPhone 5 with "World Chip")?

    3) Does this affect the timing of iOS's release, which has traditionally been released with the new iPhone and has been centered around the iPhone's hardware?

    4) The iPod touch has traditionally been released months after the iPhone. If the iPhone is released around Sept, will they release the iPod touch along with it?


    Exactly. Good questions: I would love to get a CDMA.GSM world phone. I guess it will have to be a Blackberry.

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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 26, 01:25 AM
    I did a complete reinstall of folding@home and it is now doing a bigadv wu :)

    wu 2683 r12c9g7 looks to be about 27 min per frame.


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  • arnop
    Nov 15, 07:25 PM
    Haha, my gf bought me the same watch (PAM00005) for my birthday few weeks ago.

    It's a very nice watch, i love it. Hope you get yours.:)

    Thanks ! Been looking into it recently but my banker told not to even think about it ! :D

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  • QCassidy352
    Dec 1, 02:09 PM
    I for one, welcome our new Adware overloards.

    You don't have a sign behind you that says "Hail Adware," do you? ;) :D

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  • Brien
    Mar 11, 08:31 PM
    UGh. What a mess. Waited in line for 8 hours and they are sold out. So angry right now.

    Apr 22, 01:33 PM
    What has apple done that is unethical?

    I consider lack of hardware recalls unethical. They always try to hoard as much money as they can.

    A few examples are:
    1-2007 iPod Touch inverted black issue that was a HARDWARE related problem with the coating on it. Apple just released a firmware update to cover the problem by changing the gamma settings.

    2-iPhone antenna issue, cheap 50 cent bumpers to cover the problem because they think everyone should just be a lab rat for them. Then their attitude that it wasn't a issue until the media exploded all over it. Then they act like children and release all those youtube videos of antenna problems with a bunch of other phones like its acceptable.

    3-2007 Classic/Nano, when initially released these were the biggest pieces of crap, it was like no one even bothered to turn them on before they released it and it wasn't until 6 months later that the classic was updated enough to work decent. Some issues were:
    a) unable to retain ratings if you played any games
    b) extremely slow navigation (esp the classic)
    c) reboot loops for some
    d) coverflow as useless on the classic (though I never used it anyway)
    This was actually the 1st iPod I had to take back because it was so nonfunctional, from this point on it seems quality control has taken a backseat.

    iTunes 7 was ridiculous when syncing any of the 2007 devices it would randomly freeze for 2-3 seconds when you tried to transfer files and it would take forever to get them to sync because of this. Took apple 2 months to even fix it.

    4-The App pack update they charged iPod touch users $20 for then barely a month later they released a update and charged $10 for it and it already included the $20 app... so essentially the early adapters paid $30 in the end.

    5-Their discussion boards are heavily modded and anything negative about their products that they don't like they remove it for no reason. In otherwords, they refuse to look at the criticism with a open mind and instead try to cover it.

    6-The iLounge 3rd gen shuffle review had a not recommended rating on their site and as a response apple denied them access to the next event. They are giant manipulators when it comes to 3rd party reviews of their products.

    7-While I can't say if it is a music industry issue or apple trying to nickle and dime people, but I thought it was ridiculous that they were charging 30 cents to get DRM files for the early adapters like myself (I had well over 700 songs in DRM format). Essentially making people pay $1.30 for each song while if someone new came to iTunes they could get the song for $1 still. (At the beginning iTunes was still a flat $1 charge).

    8-Apple has had SEVERAL display problems (the 27" iMac displays) over the years, once again they attempt to fix these issues with "firmware" updates.

    It seems since around 2007 apple has just dropped the ball ethically, since they are on top in several markets they seem to have cared about nothing but getting as much money out of consumers as possible.

    Sorry but that is how I view it. I think they make some amazing hardware and I own several iPods and I love every single one of them but I think Apple as a company is pretty shoddy.

    May 1, 11:06 PM
    you seem defensive about something ... please explain his bit role in Al-Queda some more for me :rolleyes:

    Oh man.

    Al-qaeda quickly fell apart after the war on terror and became what is known as leaderless resistance.


    This kind of movement has top leaders, but for the most part any actions taken by the collective "al-qaeda" (the term quickly became a brand name adopted by many small, loosely-if-connected-at-all cells) are carried out by cells with little if any intercell communication. In short, in this kind of movement, the leaders barely matter if at all. Its the idea that generates the actions, not the leaders.

    Bruno Silva
    May 3, 09:05 AM
    Did I miss something or the new iMacs don't support input from other mini display ports, say... Macbook Pros? I know that the 2010 model did this, but I don't see any mention about this in the new ones.

    I was looking to buy a 27 and sometimes hook it up to my MBP.

    Jan 31, 12:15 PM


    I searched for one on eBay last week! :eek: Where did you get it?

    Oct 18, 04:41 PM
    Yeah. Gawd knows Apple hasn't done a thing with it's Mac line-up this year.


    Wow, amazing how emotional people always get whenever I make a statement that could sound slightly anti-iPod... I know you love your iPod and all (I am very fond of mine myself), but over the last few years Apple has been focusing a dispropotional amount of energy into their cute little gadget which has massively boosted their profits. For those of us that don't salivate over all things iPod, I think this is too bad.

    That is all.

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