вівторок, 24 травня 2011 р.

leonardo dicaprio titanic

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  • ibook30
    Jul 25, 12:19 AM
    Apple could make a ton of cash "this simple connector - only available from Apple - ... very 2001:)

    Apple making tons of cash on simplicity and ease of use???
    Unheard of !

    This is a wonderful vision of the future ( that leads to robots wiping us all out ).

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  • YoNeX
    Nov 6, 09:33 AM
    Just FYI.

    The "private" beta that's being circulated is a very old beta in the development stage. VMware has big plans, and is working closely with Apple to have a true Mac look and feel.

    Things VMware Final version will do:
    Be 100% Free
    Support Adjusting how many processors you use.
    64bit support and optimization
    Drag and drop into the VM window (just try dragging a file off your desktop into the VM now)

    ***And full support to use your bootcamp volume. So you don't have to have two disks anymore or one for Virtual Machine, and another for bootcamp with full video accelerations. You can just run your bootcamp volume right inside of VMware for those times when you don't want to reboot, and just need to do work. That way you only have one copy of windows on your machine! No VM needed!

    **Support for "Virtual Appliances" which VMware has a bunch of on their site. Thousands of companies make ready-made Virtual Machines, that you can download and run in VMware, such as a lamp server, special build of RedHat, or a Ubuntu for graphics, or a mail server, or anything you can imagine, there are over 100,000 Virtual Appliances available on the VMware site, and you can create your own "Virtual Appliance" and share it with your friends!

    I don't know about the free part though. If its just a player (like the current Beta), I can see that being free. But if they add all those extra features I don't see it being free at all. But then again, Macs aren't targeted towards the Corporations, so they might just make one version with a lot of features and not charge as much as VMware Workstation (for Windows).

    Yes, the current version is really buggy.

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  • appleguy123
    May 1, 09:15 PM
    You mean I'm going to be killed off because the rest of the players are a bunch of deadbeats? Man, that sucks.:mad:

    At least you'll set a record at your lynching...

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  • rovex
    Apr 27, 02:33 PM
    Think what you want, but it was still a crappy thing to assume.

    Nope, the thing you haven't understood is that I thought it was a Clever idea, as right after, the attackers left. Nothing "crappy" about acknowledging something which saved her from further sufferance. Of course, you interpreted my post as being insincere and cold, but it was merely an observation and never did I have the intention to be hurtful.


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  • drew.bowser
    May 2, 12:25 PM
    If that is true then im going to buy Windows 7 and a PC and pretend I like it...:cool:

    I would do the same thing...but i couldnt pretend. it too blantant of a lie to those around me who know me.

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  • mkjj
    Jul 25, 08:55 AM
    Notice the new MM BT works from one OR two batteries, that's clever!


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  • Juan007
    Apr 22, 10:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This is a new low for Samsung. Apple had a specific complaint about a specific device. Now Samsung replies with this patent nonsense? Really it makes Samsung look desperate and weak.

    I bet one day in the near future Samsung will regret this move. Apple will source other fabs for their business. Micron, AMD's spun-off foundry, heck even Intel would probably work something out just for Intel. These American companies wouldn't steal Apple's IP.

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  • SuperCachetes
    May 1, 10:16 PM
    So the figure head who has had little to nothing to do with Al-Queada (a leaderless brand name of extremists at this point) since 9/11 is dead. Woo hoo. Meanwhile, terrorism in the world has only increased since the "war on terror" (something that was predicted and well known by US planners when gearing up for it).

    Time to start the USA chants. :rolleyes:

    Yep. It means nothing.


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  • notabadname
    Apr 22, 12:12 PM
    Ok with me. I wouldn't pay for the 4G upgrade from a provider anyway until it was as common nationally as 3G is today. Doing it right is a good plan.

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  • jessica.
    Sep 14, 08:08 AM


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  • renewed
    Sep 15, 10:55 PM
    Decided to get my one expensive electronic for several months (College student budget)

    How you gunna play the iPad like that? :p

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:34 AM
    Millions wouldn't agree with you but I do.


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  • lazyrighteye
    Oct 24, 08:55 AM
    What are peeps' opinion on the screen options?
    I have never used glossy. Looks alright, in person. Not sure how it would be for everyday use tho...

    Otherwise, nice update.

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  • Skika
    Apr 15, 01:44 PM
    I notice more overall smoothness with my iPad 1 :eek: . Maybe its just perception, but im pretty shure its better.


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  • spritelyjim
    Mar 31, 11:47 AM
    I actually kind of like it. I think those of you complaining about the new look are forgetting some things.

    Yes, there is a need to make apps look and function similarly, so that the user can find his/her way around, and iCal does that. All the buttons are similar, and they reside in similar, if not exactly the same positions as before.

    BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE ALL PROGRAMS LOOK IDENTICAL!!! Why? because then you get confused as to which freaking program you're looking at! Remember when iTunes started looking exactly like Finder? That was crazy confusing. People who understand GUI creation know that to be efficient, your eye needs nicely defined targets, and if that nicely defined target happens to be a leather-textured header bar rather than the same freaking gray as every other program, then so be it.

    And gosh, it actually a pretty good texture. It's not harkening back to the crappy jpeggy/giffy textures of Windows 3.1. (Though as an aside, I find it strange that Apple is trying to push the "full-screen" apps ala EVERY SINGLE WINDOWS INCARNATION as some sort of innovation.)

    Edit: Though true to some comments, a nice, real looking, darker leather would be better than orange.

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  • Badandy
    Jan 29, 01:40 AM
    Based on the verdict of the markets it would seem that Apple's potential is not so great...but you know better than that right ;)

    When stocks are being discussed from now on, please remove yourself from the proceedings.

    It was mostly the decline in iPod growth rate, but as someone said here, the market is just becoming saturated. You can thank Apple's insistence on using non user-replaceable batteries and such for sustaining some product momentum at least. You'll always have a good 10% (or so) of the market or so that replaces things ONLY when what they have ceases to work. This is where what I noted above begins to actually positively impact sales figures.

    I'm just getting this weird feeling that the baseline will be about 100. I expect a mild resurgence in the next couple weeks, nowhere near 200 or anything, but at least a 10% jump. Then I look for it to tumble down, where I will hopefully pick up some more at around 100. Of course, no one should take my complete speculation as actual advice, this is just the gut feeling I'm getting from the stock right now.


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  • joepunk
    May 1, 10:15 PM
    Trump probably won't believe it until he sees the death certificate. ;)

    The long form death certificate at that.

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  • iOS v Android
    Apr 28, 04:48 PM
    Oh god its the end of the world...WHOOOOOOOOO CARES

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  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 26, 05:31 PM
    I have no idea what happened except Plutonius got lynched and isn't a WW. Are Chrmjenkins and Appleguy 321/123 okay? Are they Specials? I can't tell if I'm on the Detention Level of a Star Destroyer or on the bridge of the Enterprise D. :confused::confused:

    We're not specials, we're just 'special'.

    Mar 16, 09:45 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wow I wish I got to brea earlier. About 35th in line. I wonder how much it would take to buy the first spot in line....

    More than it would be to just buy my white 16 gig wifi.... haha

    Oct 23, 07:45 PM
    EFI is not an emulation of bios.

    Correct. EFI and BIOS are different animals. MacBooks and Mac Pros don't include BIOS. Windows requires BIOS (unless Vista has changed back to supporting EFI). Boot Camp EMULATES BIOS on top of EFI.

    That was the point. Might hit the "or otherwise emulated" parenthetical in the EULA. Someone will need to talk with a lawyer on that one.

    BTW: What Microsoft SAYS about the EULA is pretty much meaningless. The only things that will be held up in court are, in rapidly-descending order of relevance:

    1. The EULA
    2. Official pronouncements declaring intent of EULA (which might go to prove willful deception; I suspect the EULA contains a clause that any external pronouncements can not change or limit the content of the agreement, blah blah blah).
    3. WAY down from the last, well-documented statements from a management-level individual at the company promising that the reading of the EULA is incorrect.

    So, if a straight reading of the EULA might be interpreted to mean it can not be run on a virtual machine or under emulation of any sort, then thats the truth, no matter how much the Borg doth protest.

    Mar 31, 01:23 PM
    Apple, we all know the mouse is dead... stop wasting time coding mac apps to look like iPad apps and coding mac os to operate like iOS, just do the obvious: ditch the mac platform all together! Make larger iOS devices that allow for the manipulation of iOS apps in windowed form and there you go, desktop operating environment with iOS.

    touch input > mouse input

    Mar 11, 01:40 PM
    OMG :eek: Wow.

    I'll probably try to hit the local Walmart of BestBuy instead.

    Im gonna be driving past the Fullerton Best Buy in about 10 minutes... Ill post info here

    Feb 25, 11:27 AM
    As it is looking, looks like the show might be done period. Which just sucks. One of my favorite shows too! :mad:They show will be on as long as the ratings are up. Maybe Sheen gets killed off when he crashes his car next season and then their long lost brother enters.

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