неділя, 22 травня 2011 р.

leonardo dicaprio movies list

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  • Hipnomac
    Apr 11, 06:40 AM
    Hi all, second post in the photog section, so excited to finally start getting into photography, I've wanted a DSLR for ages.

    All C&C is so greatly appreciated.

    No post edit, I'm waiting for adobe to release the raw updates, which hopefully are coming soon.

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  • Surely
    Jan 26, 11:01 AM
    I don't think you had anything to apologize for, jessica..

    You did what was supposed to be done. If I had noticed before you, I would have started the new thread. Closing threads and starting new ones after the 2,000 post mark is typically what is done around here.

    Who cares who the thread starter is...... all that matters is that there is a thread for everyone to show off their consumerism.;)

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  • Leondunkleyc
    Aug 15, 03:29 PM

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 17, 05:56 AM
    I'm in.


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  • blow45
    Apr 14, 05:19 AM
    it's for the atv!

    sent from my ix.Mac.MarketingName

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  • partyBoy
    Jan 28, 06:44 PM
    Finally came in the mail from Singapore...this braided bracelet design is hard to find


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  • Steelers7510
    May 4, 06:48 AM
    Maybe this is payback for what happened last year with Gizmodo. Apple figures well this is what you get for basically getting an early unveiling of the iPhone 4 last year. We'll just give it to you even later than we usually do hehe. :cool:

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    Oct 24, 08:02 AM
    why doiesnt the 15ich have 7200 hard drrivew?


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  • D.G.
    Oct 24, 08:55 AM
    I notice the apple store defaulted to a glossy screen, does anyone know if changing that to matte classes as a customization in the return policy?


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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 28, 09:59 AM
    360's main advantage is that it's the only console of the three to release the next generation version. They have a year's head start on the other two.

    They're still losing money on the 360, but component costs will drop until they are making a profit on boxes. Don't forget, ALL consoles lose money when they first ship. With the original xbox, they never really caught up, but it looks like they will this time around. And with the PS3 shipping at an even higher price, there's less pressure for them to drop prices. As much money as MS has been losing, Sony stands to lose much more. If Sony doesn't get their act together, I could see MS and Nintendo driving Sony out of the video game business.

    That's the goal, but so far they have yet to get out of the red on xbox and 360. And "ish"? You seriously just said that?

    It does play GAMES at HD resolutions, right? The original post never said it plays HD dvd's.

    Then it is an HD CONSOLE not an HD PLAYER. Player implies HD media.


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  • peapody
    Jan 28, 01:26 PM
    You can't hack a DS Lite.
    But really, I want that jerky, it looks yum.

    Lol I pretty much killed that whole bag in one day. $9 in my belly!

    Picked up a 32gb Transcend Class 10 SDHC for the hp mini. $50 is not bad for all that extra storage space.

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  • mrsir2009
    Mar 31, 01:33 PM
    Apple, we all know the mouse is dead... stop wasting time coding mac apps to look like iPad apps and coding mac os to operate like iOS, just do the obvious: ditch the mac platform all together! Make larger iOS devices that allow for the manipulation of iOS apps in windowed form and there you go, desktop operating environment with iOS.

    touch input > mouse input

    What the hell are you smoking?:eek:


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  • zombierunner
    May 3, 08:44 AM
    *sigh* Every time someone makes this mistake...

    Bear in mind that the US prices do not include sales tax of any kind. In your case Australian prices include GST which I believe currently runs at 10%? If you're anything like the UK there may be additional import taxes to pay and the cost of doing business is likely to be higher (everything from shipping costs to salaries affect the price you pay at the checkout). Add in a margain that Apple will calculate to protect themselves from changes in the exchange rate and you'll probably be very close to price parity. Just as in the UK you're paying extra for the product because of the country, not because of Apple.

    That's not to say Apple DON'T screw up on exchange rates and gouge the heck out of us non-Americans of course. The Mac Mini being the most recent, and painful, example. But you need to make sure you compare like for like before complaining.

    UK VAT is a total Bi#ch

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  • ayeying
    Oct 16, 03:02 PM
    I'm running it on my air as fast as I can... but I'm stuck on this Astropulse thats taking 200 hours to complete :(


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  • appleguy123
    Apr 28, 01:06 PM
    What kind of story kills the main character a quarter of the way through???

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  • Me1000
    Oct 23, 08:25 PM
    What do you know M$ is trying to copy apples licensing agreement! lol


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  • andiwm2003
    Oct 24, 07:52 AM
    i knew i should have had a large salad for breakfast.

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  • Kaibelf
    Apr 29, 03:24 PM
    Come on! We all know that the TRUE Apple fans on here will gladly pay $1.29 or even 2-3x that to support Steve Jobs' organ transplant fund. They wouldn't go to Amazon even if they were giving away that music for free. :D

    Criticism of fanboyism and the habits of consumers is one thing, but it's pretty awful to make fun of the needs of someone who needed such an extreme procedure due to advanced cancer. Very very trashy. :mad:

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  • jettredmont
    Oct 23, 10:20 AM
    This is incorrect.

    Microsoft's Vista EULA says:

    4. USE WITH VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. You may not use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system.

    This means you can't use the *same* installation of Vista Home inside a virtualization technology on the "licensed device".

    I am not a lawyer. However, direct reading of this does not indicate that. Once you install Windows on a machine, inside a VM or otherwise, the device on which it is installed is licensed.

    IMHO, the angle Microsoft is going for here is that within a VM you can very easily defeat their Activation controls (activate to the VM, then clone the VM instance a hundred times and all copies are then running activated). It's all about reducing piracy, because MS is absolutely paranoid about piracy. They'd cut off their own left arm if they thought someone might use it to steal a copy of Windows.

    Oct 18, 05:44 PM
    ok, now that the quarter's over, maybe we can get some hardware releases. Me thinks they were waiting to get the full effect for the holiday quarter, but then again, what do I know.

    Jan 29, 08:15 AM
    Saw 127 Hours then went to Texas Roadhouse for the girlfriends birthday. I'm still squirming from the 'scene' and stuffed from the food.



    Apr 30, 10:55 PM
    Great. But that doesnt mean that tablets and PMPs should be lumped with smartphones when you're comparing smartphone OS.
    But there is no such thing as a 'smartphone OS' for iOS. The OS runs across three devices (four if you include AppleTV). Just like there's no laptop OS for Windows or Mac OS X.

    Apr 25, 10:07 PM
    It will have the nazi glozi skreeni and it will be just another Rear-view iMac like all the others: all screen - all glare.

    Bitter Much,


    Aug 15, 05:27 PM
    What's the next logical step in a computer interface? I used to say "Computer, show me the money" to open Quicken back in pre-OS X days. More of a gimmick than anything else, but imagine if the Finder and maybe even other apps became "speakable."

    Me: "Check mail"

    Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"

    Me: "No, thanks."

    (clicks on an email, reads message)

    Me: "Reply to this message"

    Computer: "Type or speak?

    Me: "Type"


    Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."

    Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"

    Me: "One from the birthday party last week."

    Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"

    Me: "Yes, that will be fine."

    Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.

    Me: "Send the email"

    Me: "...and order me a pizza."

    This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.
    That sounds similar to that Apple advert from years ago whcih showed a concept of the future where you would have a true conversation way of working with a computer. We are slowly, but surely moving there.

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