неділя, 22 травня 2011 р.

johnny depp younger

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  • Apple OC
    May 1, 11:35 PM
    I'm glad you get to decide what facts are facts. I guess someone has to do it.

    It's true he's big. A big figurehead.

    It is not me who decided ... Osama was a Terrorist long before 911 ... you do not seem to know of his involvement ... you should read up on his life of Terrorism.

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  • bigpatky
    Apr 12, 09:13 AM
    this really has to stop.

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  • Piggie
    Apr 11, 01:37 PM
    This is all well and good.

    As long as we don't end up with 50 million 3rd party peripherals using USB3 costing $29.95 each

    And 10 Thunderbolt peripherals costing $499.99 each.

    A little exaggerated example perhaps, but you get my drift.

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  • hexor
    Apr 21, 10:38 PM
    Not sure why people think Apple is the bully here. Have you not seen the comparison between the Samsung phone and the iPhone? We even have sales people telling customers the Samsung phone is "like an iPhone"..


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  • Consultant
    Apr 14, 12:27 PM
    At this rate jailbreakers will never catch up.

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  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 07:14 PM
    anyone born with a penis

    except a child of course

    That's not very christian of you.


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  • Chwisch87
    Apr 21, 11:36 PM
    I really have no idea why apple opened this can of worms.

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  • Peace
    Jul 12, 10:54 AM
    Don't think MS is after iPod ?
    Read this :



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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 12, 10:28 AM
    What a bunch on whining individuals you are.

    "this belongs on page 2"

    "enough of this, page 2"

    Yeah, yeah, all we know now is that it's becoming increasingly clear that the next generation iPhone is scheduled for a September release, end of story

    stop whining geez :rolleyes:

    Why? It's good feedback for the owner of this site.

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  • yOyOYoo
    Jan 26, 03:17 AM
    you guys think Apple stock has dropped? Take a look at Google.... WOW.


    johnny depp younger. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 12:27 AM
    So many people just love to see every issue from the Apple perspective. There are people who get paid for that. Should not you - as a consumer - care more about the gadget you want than Apple success?

    You enjoy seeing every issue from the perspective of someone who wants Apple to fail.

    Apple cares very deeply about their product, which is why they don't give in to every spec junkie who demands the latest and greatest immediately. The current chips don't give a usable battery life in Apple's eyes. If you want to get a phone that eats batteries that's your business, but Apple doesn't have an interest in developing anything like that.

    Apple does not have to use two chips. They could just design separate phone for Verizon (just like iPhone 4) which does not support GSM. Not ideal but that's where technology is today. At least Verizon customers could enjoy iPhone 5 with LTE.

    They would still have to use two chips as I understand it: one to support CDMA and then the other to support LTE.

    johnny depp younger. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • justflie
    Sep 30, 08:59 AM
    BS and unacceptable. That being said, I'm doing fine in the metro-west area of Boston/Worcester. Very rare to have a dropped call. I think this is just a case of a single carrier being unable to handle the volume of iPhone users. It's time to open it up to multiple carriers to spread the love and the cell tower load.


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  • lironl
    Apr 24, 03:32 AM
    It surely can't be that hard to add support for T-Mobile's network to the iPhone. All you need are three thing:

    a) Support for the 1700/2100MHz AWS frequency bands
    b) Support for 3G
    c) Putting it all together and adding it in.

    The frequencies are already there. One part of the AWS frequency band is within the European 2100 MHz 3G band, which the iPhone already supports. The other part is within the 1800 MHz European GSM band, which the iPhone also already supports.

    The support for 3G is already there, that goes without saying.

    All you have to do is put them together (and that's already half done, see above) and make sure that it all works from an engineering point of view, then add a bit of software to support the extra capabilities, and you're there.


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  • dmr727
    Dec 30, 01:38 PM
    I'm sorry, if you struggle to lose weight, you're not doing it right. Losing weight is dead easy.

    I don't have a dog in this fight, but the question that runs through my mind is: if it's so easy, why do people struggle with it? Why are there entire industries built around people that struggle with losing weight on their own?


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  • zioxide
    Dec 30, 11:35 AM
    that lady will probably be dead before she even gets to her "goal" of 1000 lbs

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  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Mar 31, 12:31 PM
    My first reaction to this was definitely 'ugh', but iCal could use a better interface. I'll hold off on my judgement until I actually use it a while. If it works more efficiently I'll be happy.


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  • wordoflife
    May 1, 11:05 PM
    Dollar rises upon death of Osama (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110502/ts_alt_afp/usattacksobamabinladenforex_20110502035027)

    Interesting, haha

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  • Wyro
    Apr 14, 11:12 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5309/5620540991_9d7f8ab436_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/61246410@N06/5620540991/)

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  • nagromme
    Aug 15, 10:09 AM
    "Warning for losing Form data"

    They've got my money :D (And Firefox-style Find!)

    And I really have to believe that the old metal look will be gone in the end, replaced by the new iTunes look.

    Current theme count for the record:

    * White aqua (with three different toolbar styles: old, unified/no-line, and little-icons-on-gray-pills like Mail)

    * Textured metal

    * Smooth metal (iTunes)

    * Dashboard (non-aqua sliders)

    * Black bezel (like the floating controls in iPhoto)

    * Pro aqua (gray with thinner title bars--Final Cut etc.)

    * EDIT: new "quick look (http://guides.macrumors.com/Image:leopardquicklook.png)" theme?

    All of those are used by multiple apps. There are also special variations like GarageBand, but those are fun and not objectionable to me.

    EDIT: Actually, none of the above are objectionable to me--they have their uses--just so we get down to ONE metal look instead of two :) And my vote for best toolbar is the big icons (not gray pills), but in the unified/no-line format. Just like Tiger's System Preferences. (Not like Mail, not like Safari Preferences.) But it looks like the gray pill thing is spreading in Leopard. I can deal... just make it more consistent.

    Don't get me started on all the different kinds of non-icon toolbar buttons that appear in metal apps :) Some look like glass, some like metal, etc.....

    Mar 8, 04:31 AM
    According to a statement from Warner Bros. (which, like CNN, is owned by Time Warner) Charlie Sheen has been fired.

    Why? Was it because of something he posted on Facebook? :D

    Mar 15, 05:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Well I got to see Mystikal and Hasan Daddy get theirs after my failed attempt at Irvine spectrum. I was the Asian guy with the buzz cut hair. Unfortunately I got to Fashion Island to late. Congrats to you two!

    Same here, I was the guy who went to south coast plaza first.

    Jun 6, 05:49 AM
    My brother has a android phone (:mad:) and if he buys an app from the android market and doesn't like it he can get a refund and it is deleted. I think it is in a 15 minute time gap.

    However this would be a nice feature to the apple app store.

    May 4, 12:58 AM
    iPhone 4 is more than enough, probably they will update at the end of the year or September. Live with it nerds.

    Feb 1, 09:29 PM
    these "Post your last purchase" threads are addicting. Interesting to see what people are out buying. :D

    Bought a used cyclocross bike yesterday. Any bikers here?


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