неділя, 22 травня 2011 р.

johnny depp pirates of the caribbean 4

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  • destroyboredom
    Apr 12, 04:52 PM
    Looks like ill be going to Android.

    Some how I doubt that. You have an iPhone 4 and your upgrade isn't until 11/25/2011 (as previously stated by you). I guess you could go android but it may come at a steep cost.

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  • rxse7en
    Jul 28, 09:07 AM
    So what? That doesn't make it an HD-DVD player. And if you think the Xbox 360 is the only piece of hardware that can upscale standard DVDs to 720p, think again.

    The only thing helping the Xbox 360 right now is the fact that it's the only next-gen console on the market right now.

    I clearly state it's not an HD-DVD player, nor do I say it's the only upscaling "player" out there. It IS the only game console that upscales standard DVDs at this point though.

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  • Doylem
    Apr 13, 03:59 AM
    Harry the Herdwick says "Hi"...


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  • pdot
    Sep 13, 08:22 PM
    This shipped today, 3 weeks for International Shipping though. Ouch


    Just rocked that shirt a few days ago.

    Every single time I wear it someone says something to me about it.

    Wore it to Sing Sing (a dueling piano bar, in case anyone doesn't know it) once and the dude made a whole song up about it lol


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  • Michael Scrip
    May 4, 03:39 AM
    It wouldn't make sense for the iPhone 5 to have the same design as the iPhone 4. Think about it. You have two great phones out now, the iPhone 4 and the new white iPhone 4. Apple's main goal is to make money. With that many phones sold, would it make more sense to sell another phone that looks exactly the same as the one many people have or give them something completely new to upgrade or buy off contract to?

    Last quarter... people were buying iPhones at a rate of over 200,000 per day. It doesn't matter what they look like... or what time of year it is... Apple will sell iPhones.

    Even if the iPhone 5 looks the same but has upgraded hardware inside when it comes out in September... someone will buy it just like someone bought the iPhone 4 from January to March.

    Do you have to upgrade to a new model every year? No.

    But somebody is always ready to buy a new phone.

    BTW... the 3G and 3GS looked the same... and that did OK.

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  • RedTomato
    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    Very Very Tempted.

    Time to put my repaired and working perfectly G4 PB 15'' on sale I think.

    Any takers? (London, UK)


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  • Plymouthbreezer
    May 2, 12:15 AM
    Anyone outside the US — especially the east coast... Boston, NYC, Washington — will feel different than we do. 9/11 hit us hard. I'm not saying other folks weren't (and aren't) affected, but for me, it's not political, it's not about any election or foreign policy: it's what happen to us. United 175 and American 11 flew over my city, my head, and those on board would be dead just minutes later. We lived it first hand, we saw the destruction and cried and prayed and live with reminders every day. We can't just "move on" or "forget." I was 11, but I remember and relive it as vividly as yesterday.

    There's a sense of satisfaction that could only come with this news: a sense of achievement and resilience, of resolve and determination. It's not the end of the war, it's not the end of terrorism, and we all know that. It is however, the end of a trying decade that defined many aspects of many peoples lives.

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  • creator2456
    Sep 14, 09:00 PM
    Getting my bowling ball redrilled and resurfaced in preparation for league play.

    Also needed new shoes.


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  • notjustjay
    Apr 26, 12:42 PM
    Oh look smart remarks without substance must be a fanboy. :p

    It's not a smart remark, it's truth. You can stream your own media to yourself with a DIY solution but it will cost you for (a) the hard drives which are storing your media, (b) the upload bandwidth consumed by your home server, (c) the hydro costs of keeping your server running 24/7, and (d) the time it takes for any setup and maintenance.

    Obviously many people have no problem paying these "costs" and would prefer them over a hard cash outlay (even $20/year), but that doesn't mean these costs don't exist and shouldn't be factored into the value proposition.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 10:21 AM
    Just buy what you like, but being all anal about specs is lame. Having the currently superior specs isn't gonna make anyone's penis any bigger, despite what you may think.

    Ok, I'm convinced.

    Also, comparing a product that hasn't been released yet to a product that hasn't been announced yet is a rather weak argument and makes zero sense.

    And what exactly do you plan to run on that extra horsepower? What effect does it have on battery power.

    Congratulations on being caught up with the sheep in the new CPU clock speed race.

    Uh... oh!

    I thought people here could understand sarcasm better. I think, it was pretty clear. Never mind.


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  • jessica.
    Sep 14, 09:08 AM

    Thanks. Watch for my YouTube� unboxing later. :p

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  • stroked
    Apr 24, 07:06 PM
    Define "dude".

    anyone born with a penis

    except a child of course


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  • nonkn4mer
    Apr 14, 02:33 AM
    Just purchased an app on the ITMS, and it said Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and ix.Mac.MarketingName.

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  • leekohler
    Mar 1, 11:26 AM
    This is Hollywood we're talking about here. Sheen is hardly through. Look at Robert Downey Jr and Lindsay Lohan. They don't operate in the real world out there.

    Both of them seem to at least be trying to get better. Sheen seems to be embracing his madness and going deeper into it. He's not sorry for anything he's done and seems to be actually proud of it. That doesn't spell "comeback" to me. That spells "checkout". As in, he ain't gonna be with us much longer.


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  • Krafty
    Apr 13, 02:22 PM
    Waiting for Apple Microwave Rev B.

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  • Psilocybin
    Apr 19, 07:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I had to finally register to comment on the hypocrisy in this and many other threads like it. Because some people want frame rates for gaming on an MBA, then your needs for GPU performance are valid, and others who don't game but could use CPU performance have invalid needs? Rubbish.

    A perfect example is the above. So the C2D rates as a 100/100 for CPU performance and thus any improvement is useless? Really?! Nice to see that you framed the argument such that any improvement you don't see as needed is useless.

    On Sunday I combined 6 or 8 short 720p video clips into a 7 minute video for YouTube with a simple title screen and transitions. It took the C2D ~40 minutes to process the video and save in a new format. So you're really going to argue that there is nothing to be gained from a significant bump in processor speed?

    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.


    CPU and GPU are both important. There is one critical difference between CPU and GPU though and thats this:

    A user can usually wait on on the CPU with no impact other than the fact that they had to wait. Using your example. You waited 40 minutes. A CPU that that was twice as fast might have reduced your wait to 25 minutes. A CPU that was half a fast would have increased your wait time to maybe 75 minutes. The only consequence of CPU speed is time in general. There is rarely a difference in the final product.

    GPU is different, GPU is often used to perform realtime calculations (Game or movie frames). Because the frames are related to a specific point in time, a difference is GPU performance can make the difference between usable and unusable. For that reason, people that like, want or need GPU performance tend to be focal.

    In my experience, poor GPU performance bugs me more than poor CPU performance. You can't just wait for the GPU to get done, like you can with a CPU. There does have to be a balance though.

    Well said


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  • s.meezy
    Apr 26, 02:43 AM
    ZOMG u ppl will believe anything! N94 and phone number are TAPED ONTO the back of the phone... there's a lot going on here, lulz.
    #1: Fake Carrier via Cydia
    #2: Microsoft Paint
    #3: Labeling machine

    To everyone in this thread saying Android is garbage, to you, you're right. Plz, there's a difference between fact and opinion...

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  • gpat
    Apr 24, 02:19 AM
    Just release a GSM/CDMA every-band iPhone 5, and sell it off contract as well. Virgin Mobile USA customers are going to orgasm for that.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 12, 06:08 PM
    Breaking news, iPhone 5 to come out within the next 10 years :rolleyes:

    Oh boy, and here I was expecting it in only 9 years. I guess that rumor was wrong. :)

    Jul 21, 03:35 PM
    I don't think it will have virtualization, especially with the way they are supporting Parallels solution itself. I think a dual-boot or a fast OS switching type of solution is much more likely. Somebody around here was suggesting "sleeping" one OS and starting another. That's almost good enough. Afterall Apple does not want you to use Windows, it only wants you to believe you could run Windows if you had to, in order to ease switcher anxiety.

    I've been planning a project like this (I finally got it on sourceforge, in fact) - The idea is to make the virtualization system able to hibernate any given OS (or freeze state it) in such a way that it can be restored as the host OS (and vice versa), so that you can give any of your OSes running (virtual or host), the host priorities while all the others become virtual.

    OTOH, that could be laggy, and may be subject to limitations within EFI, only time will tell.

    https://sourceforge.net/projects/fruitsalad/ <- shameless self promotion XD

    Jul 10, 09:53 AM
    As a frequent user of Pages 2, I would like more toolbars and less of the 'inspector' stuff, which to me is not as convenient.

    Oct 23, 11:23 AM
    And here I was trying to buy a legal copy of Windows from MS, granted it wasn't the latest version (however XP had just come out, so 2000 wasn't that old) and MS was telling me to pirate the software.

    That's hilarious. I was reading the other day that in addition to fighting piracy overseas, MS also uses the threat of software audit in the states to sell more licenses. They kind of say, "hey, we could come in and do an audit, or you can sign this $300 million, 5 year contract with us." A local government agency is taking option #2.

    I guess they don't care about American, residential piracy.

    Apr 29, 05:51 PM
    I still usually buy CDs for music I care about, if what I am after is not easily obtainable on CD I buy from an online store who offer 320kbps files when possible. Market forces are the only way they (Amazon, iTunes etc) will ever higher quality or lossless.

    Jul 28, 10:47 AM
    I reckon the zune will be in the same situation as the sony clie. Its gonna be an amazing product with a million more features than an ipod, but will millions of people buy. Just as sony couldnt compete with palm, microsoft cant compete with apple, but the xbox is very impressive for a software company so im not going to underestimate microsoft.

    I am getting tired of feature after feature that no one needs. It makes the devices overcomplicated and moe expensive.

    I don't need WiFi in an MP3 player. But since MS will have, Apple will have to add it in order to compete. Thank god they haven't added the FM tuner into the player. Which everyone seems to want...:confused:

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