неділя, 22 травня 2011 р.

are selena gomez and justin bieber dating

are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Selena Gomez amp; Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez amp; Justin Bieber

  • CaryMacGuy
    Apr 22, 10:08 AM
    Give us a 4.3" screen so the phone would have to be somewhat bigger - big enough to support two chips for 3G and 4G.

    I think that the current iPhone 4 is too thin and too small (I have big hands). I think a Thunderbolt sized iPhone would be just awesome! The Thunderbolt is the perfect size in my opinion.

    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • PlaceofDis
    Oct 23, 09:02 AM
    So this is true?? I suppose this isn't any different than Apple saying that you can't run Mac OS X on non-Apple hardware, is it?

    yes its true for running things like parallels, Boot Camp however is just fine with all editions of Vista, afaik

    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Selena Gomez. Watch quot;Justin
  • Selena Gomez. Watch quot;Justin

  • DaveTheGrey
    Jul 24, 04:35 PM
    one for me plz :)


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • cebritt
    Jan 27, 03:31 PM
    The old stock adage is, "Buy on rumor, sell on news."


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • DeathChill
    Apr 24, 12:12 PM
    I tend to ignore my family/co-workers when I talk about this stuff. The Apple bias there is quite evident and I don't expect anything other than Apple stuff there. I wouldn't draw conclusions on Mac market share from them either as it would put the Mac on top of Windows by a huge margin. ;)

    I try to be honest with myself because if I looked at them, I would draw the same conclusions you and many others are here and just say Apple is leading by a huge margin, which just isn't the case. I don't have enough attachement to Apple as a vendor to go around cheerleading for them.

    Haha, if I used my family as a Mac market share indicator then Apple would have sold one Mac...to me.

    Yeah that's why I was curious if there was data to support your statement that all of the carriers here are selling tons. I honestly have no idea who's in the lead up here, but based on my observations it'd be iPhone and based on yours it's Android. If they'd release some damned info, eh?

    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • DontMacTheGyver
    Jun 7, 01:21 AM
    1000 bucks app?

    Epic Fail!


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. selenagomez justinbieber
  • selenagomez justinbieber

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 24, 03:04 PM
    Online surveys are worth the paper they are written on. The best data suggest that iPhone marketshare in the US is stagnant and Android based handsets are booming

    Which doesn't mean much because it doesn't factor in the iPod or iPad, which both run iOS. It's better to look at platform marketshare rather than just smartphone marketshare.

    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • Orng
    Apr 26, 01:22 PM
    Why do people get so angry about the hypothetical details of a rumoured service? It's all conjecture anyway!

    I'm hoping for a service that includes video; so I can store any purchased video as well as any home videos I upload and stream them to iphone and appleTV. Tack that on to MobileMe and cut the price a bit, and I'm in. I'd pay more than 20 for that. I might even buy an AppleTV2 to go with it rather than go to the trouble of hacking my AppleTV1 to work with the service.

    But hey, if it doesn't happen, no biggie. I've been meaning to hack my AppleTV1 to work with an external HD anyway. If they provide the service and it's good, I'll pay for it and buy a new AppleTV, if they don't I'll be hack-upgrading the ATV1.


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • Nielsenius
    Apr 16, 10:20 AM

    My only issue with Lion DP2 and the subsequent update is the animations (I sound like a broken record between this and iOS 4.3).

    Everything else is relatively solid thus far.
    I agree completely. Launchpad folder animations look like crap right now. Safari previous/next animations are also a bit buggy for me. I assume that these issues will be fixed fairly soon, though.

    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • PBF
    Apr 14, 12:40 AM
    Apple is testing the market further if white is a hit. Then they will release the iPhone 5 in blank and white at the same time in late fall!
    It's 100% confirmed there is going to be both black and white iPhone 5. No testing is needed. iPad 2 is the confirmation.


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Teen pop star Justin Bieber
  • Teen pop star Justin Bieber

  • 2IS
    May 3, 11:53 PM
    I'm trying to old out with my cracked screen 3GS. Not sure I can wait until September...

    Fix the crack???

    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez

  • AAPLaday
    Mar 31, 03:17 PM
    Wow! Designed by the same guy who did the new iTunes logo? :D


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • j800r
    Apr 26, 12:59 PM
    I can't believe you guys could be such hypocrites!

    You spend over �1,000 on an Apple computer and complain about a pathetic little �20 a year for a cloud service?? Seriously, if you're THAT cheap I'm surprised you're not joining the Win PC fanboys in saying "Macs are overpriced junk". Seriously, you have to buy your OWN storage space so why do you think Apple would give you theirs for free?? They're a business, not a charity.

    If you wanna use the service, pay for it. If you're not interested then don't. But don't start complaining Apple is charging a ridiculously small amount for using THEIR hard drives. It might by called "the cloud" but your data is still stored somewhere, and that somewhere is on Apple's servers. They weren't free for them, so why the hell should they be free for you?

    Oh, also, if you're so cheap why not sell your shiny Macs and use the money to buy yourself TWO Win PCs. That way your precious money goes further.

    (Apologies to the ones who haven't complained for having to put up with my little rant there, but surely you can see why this irritates me. :\)

    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Selena Gomez has denied
  • Selena Gomez has denied

  • saving107
    Apr 14, 01:27 PM
    I've just downloaded the update on my iPhone and iPad and i noticed that on the iPad (not iPhone) in the General Setings now there is now a multitouch gestures button to enable this function. It suports 4 fingers up to show the app switcher, 4 fingers to the sides to switch apps and 5 fingers to the centre to go to the home screen.

    It works great!

    Did you have these Gestures enabled before?


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • zap2
    Apr 24, 09:35 AM
    This would make a possible model for Videotron and Wind Mobile in Canada and probably give Apple more carrier options in other countries also. It makes sense in a non-US Centric view.

    And looking at "carrier acquisitions" here, Rogers acquired Fido ages ago, yet even though the networks worked on the same GSM bands, they still haven't merged. An AT&T purchase of T-mobile would probably take years for a merge to even occur, and a few technology changes. AT&T isn't going to retrofit T-mobile's network and change their frequencies, requiring all the existing customer base to change phones.

    So even in a US Centric view, it makes a lot of sense. Basically, don't let an AT&T acquisition of T-mobile trick you into thinking this is a false rumor.

    No, it looks like AT&T is going to get ride of T Mobiles 3G so make room for 4G LTE.

    Its really not a bad idea....turns the purchase of T Mobile into something more then just one time growth. Also unless everyone followed Nokia with pentaband 3G devices, it would start to become a hassle.


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • Brien
    Mar 11, 11:29 AM
    Line at Brea Mall is to Macy's, probably about 150-200 people here.

    Any idea how fast these lines move? This'll be the first time I've camped out for a product.


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. are selena gomez and justin
  • are selena gomez and justin

  • French iPod
    Oct 24, 09:03 PM
    Since we bought a new T.V. for the upstair loft i'm going to ask for a PS3:D i have a 360 but i don't really like the controls on the controller there so confusing:confused: and i want to play online (i heard that it's free for playing online:D)!! also might going to ask the new apple mouse since my current mouse is a bit fcked-up :S

    it's not my final "list" but i'll stick with the PS3

    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez

  • bradl
    May 2, 01:41 AM
    All I have to say that hasn't been said yet is...

    .. not bad for someone whom his detractors stated he was unqualified to be POTUS because of lack of military experience..

    Funny that it took a small dagger strike at the heart instead of Bush's running in with guns blazing, shooting first and asking questions later. If someone would have thought of that 8 years ago, this would have been a done deal.

    Obama is definitely getting another 4 years out of this.


    are selena gomez and justin bieber dating. justinbieber selenagomez
  • justinbieber selenagomez

  • Sodner
    Apr 14, 01:36 PM

    I can't confirm this because I already had Gestures enabled once and with every new update, it hasn't gone away. But if they are now enabled without needing XCode, then I guess enjoy because I love using these Gestures (I rarely use the Home button anymore).

    @#*(&$(# and I bought Xcode to get those features a few weeks ago. But they are sweet!!!! I use em all the time.

    Mac Fly (film)
    Aug 15, 04:44 PM
    What's the next logical step in a computer interface? I used to say "Computer, show me the money" to open Quicken back in pre-OS X days. More of a gimmick than anything else, but imagine if the Finder and maybe even other apps became "speakable."

    Me: "Check mail"

    Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"

    Me: "No, thanks."

    (clicks on an email, reads message)

    Me: "Reply to this message"

    Computer: "Type or speak?

    Me: "Type"


    Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."

    Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"

    Me: "One from the birthday party last week."

    Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"

    Me: "Yes, that will be fine."

    Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.

    Me: "Send the email"

    Me: "...and order me a pizza."

    This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.The funniest post i've read all year! You're a genius. :D
    (That and the one someone here wrote about Rosanne and Giselle in the new Mac ad)

    Apr 22, 10:40 AM
    So what is Apple waiting for with the iPhone 5?

    Apple is adrift in a sea of uncertainty and confusion.

    It was bound to happen, they've opened the door wide. The competition is rushing through.

    This movie is getting very interesting.

    Apr 26, 02:09 PM
    Could someone clarify this for me: Aren't hard drives too slow to make use of Thunderbolt anyway? In a typical USB 2.0 external hard drive, what is the bottleneck in speed: The speed at which the hard drive spins, or the USB 2.0 connection? If it's the USB, then why do people even care about the RPM of a drive? If it's the RPM, then isn't USB 2.0 fast enough to run a hard drive at its native speed?

    A faster HDD with a faster RPM will add to the speed. With USB 2.0 hard drives, USB 2.0 is the bottleneck. With USB 3.0 hard drives, it'll be the drives. For Thunderbolt, it will be the drives. Would be a while before we see any 10Gbps SSDs (hard drives will never be that fast), so USB 3.0 seems more practical for the time being.

    Apr 22, 04:31 PM
    I seem to remember everyone saying ip4 looked ugly and horrible before it came out. Let's just wait and see!

    Apr 25, 12:42 PM
    I have been thinking same, new iMac and the iPad 2.

    Remote access with iPad to a Mac works fantastic with a number of programs / utilities... Just Do it :)

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